8 : good guy

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"Hey, listen," ucap Fred— bawahan Wooseok tadi, ia pun melepaskan helm nya dan mengambil sedikit nafas lalu berbicara,

"Actually my name isn't Fred. I'm Eric, nice to meet you all and I know how to get you guys outta from here,"

"Wait, hold on. You do? You really do? You aren't lying and make a trap for us, right?" ujar Felix yang masih ragu dengan Fred— tidak, Eric ini. Karena, disini, siapa saja bisa berbohong, bukan?

"Why would I— look. Actually I was planning to escape from here too for god's sake," jawab Eric.

"Really? So, do you have colors or superpowers like what we have?" tanya Siyeon, "I do, and I guess that I'm a bit special yet different, I'm a combination between green and blue," ujar nya.

"Holy shit, that's so cool?!" ujar Sunwoo, "Nice to meet you, bro. So how do we get outta here?" sambungnya.

"There is one way,"

"What are you going to do for exact?" tanya Shuhua tanpa basa-basi setelah mereka keluar dari kamarnya, "Why would you bother to ask?" jawab Wooseok

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"What are you going to do for exact?" tanya Shuhua tanpa basa-basi setelah mereka keluar dari kamarnya, "Why would you bother to ask?" jawab Wooseok.

"Ugh, I know that you hated me, just let me go and you'll never see me anymore. Isn't it that easy?" gerutu Shuhua,

"Wait, who said that I hated on you? I like you, I really do. I bet that you know that, sweetie," ujar Wooseok sambil tersenyum manis. Tetapi bagi Shuhua itu mengerikan.


"Anyone who's gold?" tanya Eric, Felix dan Soyeon pun mengangkat tangan mereka secara bersamaan.

"Great, so we have two golds,"

"All I need is the gold one have to shut the lights down when it is dawn and the blue one can broke the fence, and the green one can directly run into the car that I have prepared,"

Semua pun mengangguk setuju dengan apa yang diusulkan oleh Eric, dan berharap bahwa semua itu dapat berjalan dengan lancar.

"Uhm, sorry to interupt you but how about Shuhua?" tanya Felix, "Ah, Ms. Shuhua? We can get her later on, I have an acquaintance," jawab Eric.

"Dude, thanks a lot. We owe you a lot," ujar Jeno sambil mengacungkan jempol kepada Eric, dan ia hanya membalas Jeno dengan anggukan kepala.

"Niways, where are you from, dude? Are you from New York, too?" tanya Jinyoung, yang sedari tadi enggan membuka suara.

"Yes, I am. Actually, I've been here for 2 years for god's sake and I have try to escape like 20 times but I failed. So, I really hope that I can succeed this time, ofcourse with you guys' help," ujar Eric jujur.

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