Chapter 6

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Dear Diary,

So remember how last time I said that Ryan made the robot baby fall asleep? Yeah, I thought he was like amazing with baby robots after that incident. Turns out, I was wrong. Completely and totally wrong.

* * *

"Hey.. Um can you come over?" Ryan asked nervously over the phone. I could hear a faint crying sound in the background and it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that it was indeed, the baby robot's whining in the background.

What the hell does he want? That son of female dog, who does he think he is calling me 3 AM in the middle of the night and asking me to 'come over'?

"What do hell do you want Ryan?" I asked sighing sleepily.


"It's Three in the morning and normal people like me sleep at this hour of the night." I cut him off still dazed and very very pissed from my slumber that was rudely interrupted by this prude.

"Well, the robot won't shut up and I think it needs a diaper change.." He said as if waiting for me to complete the rest of his sentence.

"So? Change it." I said before pressing the red 'End' button on the screen and placing my phone on the small table next to my bed. Now, I may sound really bratty while saying that, but seriously

Just before I could rest my head on the soft pillow and drift off to dreamland, I heard my ringtone roar to life.

Letting out an annoyed huff I pressed 'ignore' on the screen and put my phone back on the table.

A few minutes later, just as sleep was finally taking over me, I heard light tap sound on my window. Untangling myself from the messy sheets, I walked towards the window, already knowing who I would be greeted by.

Opening the window, I saw Ryan standing in my front yard. Even though my only source of light was the dimly lit street lamps, I could literally smell his desperation

Great. Just great.

"Go away! You're gonna wake up my parents, idiot!" I whisper- shouted as I waved my hands in a 'shoo' motion to make things more clear. Even though I'm pretty sure my mom wouldn't mind if she Ryan Grey in our front yard. She would probably squeal and serve him hot cookies and ask him to stay at our house for the night.

Ryan then took out his mobile from his pocket as he began typing something on the screen.

Is that douche seriously texting someone right now? When I told him to go the hell away?

When he finally looked up, he waved his phone in front of his face.

At first I didn't really understand what he was trying to say but then I heard my phone jingle and I realised that he had actually texted me.

'I don't know how to change a diaper, come to my house and do it now or I'll stay here and annoy you till you finally come.' It read. Hm, at least he didn't start shouting at the top of his lungs.

I narrowed my eyes at the screen just when he texted again.

'Please :('

It said. I chuckled and went to grab a sweatshirt to head downstairs.

I slowly crept down the stairs and quietly opened the door as I was greeted by a cold airy night.

I stepped onto the front porch as I looked around for Ryan in the yard.

He was there like two minutes ago, where the hell did he disagree to ?

I slowly started walking towards the front yard as I called out his name. A small shiver running down my spine. I told myself that it was just because of the cold weather and nothing else. Ghosts and all don't exist...right?

"R-Ryan? This is not funny.." I said trying to sound brave even though my voice was quavering.


I screamed. Loud.


"That wasn't funny!" I said stubbornly crossing my hands as I finished adjusting the robot's diaper. It had stopped crying and was now sleeping peacefully.

Ryan, who was still doubling over with laughter due to my not so little outburst, tried to speak but broke out laughing again.

I started walking back into my house, when I felt him grab wrist and stop me.

"S-Sorry. That was juh- just so fu-" he broke out laughing again.

I snapped my hand out of his and started walking towards the door.

"I'm leaving, you ass." I said as I was about to reach the door.

"Okay, Okay. I'm sorry." He said as he out his hand up in surrender and came between me and the door.

"How about I make you hot chocolate, as an apology. Hm?" He asked with a knowing grin on his face.

This made me want to change my mind. You see, back when Ryan and I were best friends, he used to make this hot chocolate drink which could even make willi wonka's dad love chocolate. I'm not even over exaggerating. He never told anyone what he put in it. 'A magician never reveals his tricks' he would say. Now, don't go all 'Ryan must be an amazing cook' because he definitely is NOT. He can even mess up making instant noodles. It's only this specific hot chocolate thingy that is amazing.

"With extra sugar cubes." I said as I brushed passed him and made myself comfortable on the couch.

I heard him chuckle lightly as headed towards the kitchen to make my coffee.


A/N - dun dun dunnn! I'm alive. Exams suck -.-

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