Chapter Two:

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Thor brought the glass to his lips. Loki held his breath, watching with interest. He clenched and unclenched his fists nervously. He could feel the rough cut glass bottle burrowing into his thigh. He removed it from his pocket and laid it against his palm. There was nothing more than the dregs of amber coloured liquid sitting at the bottom of the bottle.
Loki smiled. He brought his own drink to his mouth, savouring its bitter taste. Thor prepared a toast.
To death, Loki smiled to himself. He shivered with excitement. He tried to restrain himself. Soon, he would replace his brother. He imagined himself seated where Thor sat now. He would be showered in affection, adoration, admiration. He would be a king. Ruler of Asgard. He would be the one to carry on their family’s legacy, without Thor irritably probing at his side. Loki’s jewelled eyes seemed to shimmer.
Thor played with his glass, raising it to his lips before placing it down again. Loki could almost feel his stomach dropping to his feet.

What was that ignorant bastard doing!

Loki wanted to tear the glass from his fingers and pour it down his throat. Instead, he tried to remain calm. He waited, overwhelmed by his own anxieties. He knelt against the wall. He closed his eyes, pressing his forehead against it. He could feel the coldness of the brick seeping into his skin. Once again, he held his breath, almost permitting himself from breathing entirely. He felt sick to the stomach. He had begun to feel light headed, swaying slightly. He willed for this torment to be over…
You stupid girl!
Loki opened his eyes. Amber liquid pooled around Thor’s feet. He was in a fit of rage, teeth bared into an ugly snarl, his face almost purple. The glass was tipped against its side, the last of its contents spilling out. Thor glared at the girl who held a jug inside her shaking hands. The colour drained from her face. She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. It was the same girl - Loki realised in horror. He could feel his skin prickling with heat. Unable to obtain his anger, Loki stormed down the corridor. He found his sceptre, where it sat patiently waiting beside his bed. He gripped it in both hands, so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He could not contain himself any longer.
“I shall confront with Thor myself and kill him on the spot,” Loki said in a voice that was consumed with hatred. He had every intention of murdering Thor. He had waited long enough to do so. With darkened eyes he scanned the corridors, detecting every movement or flickering shadow. His ears pricked to distressed noises. He slowed, feet almost ceasing to a stop. The brutality of the slap was enough for Loki to gasp. The servant girl knelt on the floor, weeping bitterly into it. A dark shadow loomed over her, hands clenched into giant’s fists. He had gotten on one knee and knelt before her, his red cloak trailing to the floor. Thor. The girl had removed her hands from her face. She was gingerly fingering the new decorative bruises that blossomed against her pale skin. Her bottom lip was torn and bleeding. Blood trickled down her chin, but she didn’t seem to notice. Instead she was staring coldly at Thor. All the fear seemed to have vanished from her face, replacing it with anger, resentment, and revenge. Loki felt all sympathy towards her.
“You better not do that again,” Thor hissed angrily at the girl.
The girl, unresponsive, continued to stare at Thor. Thor struck the girl’s cheek like a whip lashing against an animal‘s skin. The girl’s eyes were wet with unshed tears. Blinking several times, she started to get to her feet. She appeared unstable, disorientated.
“Do I make myself clear?” Thor’s voice was the sound of thunder.
The girl nodded. Thor glared at her once before thundering down the corridor, leaving her in silence. Loki blinked several times, confused by what he had just witnessed. The girl suddenly collapsed, folding in on herself like paper. She burst into tears. After watching the girl for several minutes, Loki detached himself from the shadows. He had begun to approach her. The girl glanced up, her eyes red from tears. Loki lowered his sceptre and went to kneel beside her. Slowly, he took her inside his arms. The girl didn’t push him away, like he had expected her to. Instead she allowed him to embrace her, burrowing her face into his chest.
She had allowed him to hold her.
A strange, almost hypnotic sensation trickled over Loki. He had rarely held a girl before, especially one who had allowed him to do so. He rested his head against her hair. She smelled of scents of the forest; rich black earth, cold wild mint, and refreshing spring rain.
It’s almost comforting, Loki thought quietly.
The girl’s crying had stifled into quiet sobs.
“What is your name?” Loki asked the girl.
The girl removed her head from his chest. She looked at him silently for several moments.
“Lola, my Lord,” she replied.
She dragged a hand over her eyes. Lola suddenly scrambled to her feet. She glanced worriedly down the corridor. By this time Loki had also gotten to his feet and was standing closely behind her. They heard heavy boots slapping against the ground.
“I must go,” Lola said, turning round to face Loki.
He touched her shoulder reassuringly. Her face glowed with heat. She could feel his breath, hot and savouring against her neck. Loki moved towards her, lips hovering before her ear.
“Meet me tonight,” his voice seemed to make her skin shiver with delight. “Within the forest. I shall be waiting for you.”
Loki held her pleasured gaze. Lola nodded obediently. Her thin lips stretched into a smile.
“Yes my Lord,” she answered softly.
Loki smiled. The burden of pain and suffering was lifted off his chest. Retrieving his sceptre, Loki turned and left.

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