Chapter Nine:

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They each gave a little blood in turn. Thor, Odin and his wife Frigga were each presented with a blade. They slashed their palms, filling the goblet until it was almost full. Odin, with the goblet clasped inside his hands, moved towards his son. Inside the palace's institute, Loki's body had been placed there. His body had been cleansed from blood and dirt. No scars marked his skin. He appeared blissfully unaware of what was happening around him; asleep, but not quite dead. Odin stood by Loki's side. With shaking hands, Odin poured a little blood into Loki's partially open mouth. Stepping back, he lowered the goblet. They waited for any flicker of life. But there was nothing. Not even a heartbeat. Odin turned towards his wife and son, glancing at both of them with dejection.
"I'm sorry," the old man said. "I have failed you both. I have failed Asgard."
The doors to the institute were thrown open. All three turned round at once to see Lola running through the doors, with a kick of protest from her child. Lola glanced round with bewildered eyes for Loki. When her eyes finally came to settle against him, her heart started thumping. She had thought about him almost every sleepless night. When the nights were cold and the days were ugly, Lola thought about him, and she felt beautiful. Whenever she glanced at her reflection, she imagined him to be standing beside her, his green eyes darkening with mischief. Now, as Lola stood beside him, her only hope was in returning to him, to be reunited with him once again. Wordlessly, she knelt beside him. She reached out and rested her fingers against Loki's colourless check. It was like touching stone.
"I am here," Lola said underneath her breath. "I have returned to you. We have found one another again."
Leaning over Loki's body, Lola pressed her mouth to his.
Thor was the first to react.
"You!" Thor snarled at Lola, retrieving his dagger from his belt and pointing it directly at her. "I should have killed you when I had the chance."
Thor stepped towards Lola, his dagger poised dangerously above the pregnant woman. Odin immediately clamped a hand down on Thor's shoulder.
"No Thor."
Odin's voice was like ice. "Do not harm her."
Thor turned in protest - but the old man stopped him. Scowling, Thor replaced his dagger. Lola stood up and addressed herself politely to the King and Queen.
"My King, my Queen," she said. "I would like to give some of my blood to Loki."
Odin shook his head, but his face was kind.
"We have tried," the old man said. "But it didn't work. Loki will not wake."
"Please," Lola begged. She could feel the tears burning in her eyes. "If I am to help, then allow me to offer my blood to him. For if I fail then..."
Lola took a deep breath, turning to look at Thor. "You can kill me."
Thor's face immediately sparked with interest. The King looked horrified. Frigga appeared the same.
"My dear," the Queen spoke softly. "You must be exhausted from your journey. Please, allow one of the servants to attend -"
Lola had already retrieved the knife from inside her cloak. Rolling up her sleeve, she slashed her arm and had thrown down the sharpened blade. Blood ran like red rivers splashing down her arm. She clenched her fist in pain.
"The goblet," she hissed. She had already begun to feel light - headed as her blood had begun to pool around her feet. The goblet was handed to her, its previous contents washed away. Lola watched as her blood filled the cup, until it was almost brimming. Lola tore a strip of cloth off the hem of her skirts with red fingers. She shakily pressed the cloth against her bleeding arm. She offered the goblet to Odin.
"Take it," she hissed.
Lola stepped backwards as Odin took the cup from her. Once again, Odin brought the cup to Loki's mouth. Odin clasped Frigga's hand tightly. Thor watched on, twirling the dagger inside his fingers. Everyone in the room seemed to hold their breath. As they waited in anticipation, it felt like the moments lasted forever. Lola was beginning to feel more and more desperate, the gilt of Thor's blade catching her eye. Her thoughts on what her death would be like. Cruel and brutal.
Then, life.

Loki felt that he was being submerged from murky water with the powerful urge to just wake up. His thoughts were everywhere, tangled and strewn across his mind. Heavenly fire coursed through his veins, hot and satisfying. His mouth felt heavy, tasting of lead and iron. He could feel the coldness of the metal table seeping through his clothes, stinging his skin. Loki eventually breathed out; a breath he had been holding onto.

Loki opened his eyes.
Slowly he sat up, confused and disorientated. He shook his head.
"What..." he touched the back of his head.
His mind dimmed, his thoughts darkening. Memories were clouded. His could vaguely remember the pain. The blood. The silence. Lola in his arms...
Lola. His eyes finally fell upon her. His face softened.
"Lola," his voice was strong, made stronger by the sound of her name on his lips.
"Loki..." Lola's voice trailed away.
Her skin flushed a sickly yellow colour. She appeared unbalanced, eyes rolling into the back of her head. She swayed dangerously, and collapsed. Wordlessly Loki rushed to her side, arms constricting around her like boas, preventing her fall. Loki looked up, staring at each face in turn. They looked on speechlessly with nothing to say.
"Help her," he said.

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