Chapter Four:

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She lifted her head and was kissed by the welcoming dawn. There was an explosion of colour: red, orange, yellow and pink splattering the sky like dripping paint. She lifted a hand to her face, shielding her tired eyes from the bright yellow sunlight. She thought how the sun looked much like a god - a dazzling ball of orange flames licking the red tinged earth. Then she realised what time of day it was.
“My God!” Lola shrieked.
Getting to her feet, Lola was brushing down her mother’s green dress - when she froze. Her eyes caught sight of the fallen tree log before finding her master, who lay asleep with his bow curled against his side. He seemed to be at peace. The arrow still prodded from out of the tree. Lola closed her hand around the arrow, before wrenching it out. She rested it against Loki’s side. Abandoning him, Lola returned to the palace. The morning was still young, the rising peaks of the mountains pilled with frozen white snow. The air felt cold and crisp against her lungs. She smelled of pinewood and damp earth. She hadn’t realised how cold it was until a breath of icy white vapours surrounded the air. She flexed her sore fingers. Her arms and legs felt stiff as she woodenly entered through the servants’ quarters. The corridors, to her relief, were deserted. She quickened her pace, hoping to take off her mother’s dress before attending to her chores. The room was almost pitch black as Lola entered. She fumbled for the curtains, her fingers blindly groping the walls. A long, loud and chilling scream flooded the room. The air left Lola’s lungs. She could feel something warm and wet leaching from out of her right arm. It felt like it had been set on fire. Lola cried out in pain. A crashing waterfall made of glass fell all around her. She was consumed in darkness.
She saw grey spots dancing behind her eyes. A calm hand clasped hers. His eyes were filled with concern.
“Loki?” Lola spoke weakly.
Light streaked into the room. It could have been no later than midday. Lola started to panic.
“I - I must -” Lola sat up - and regretted it. It felt like someone was chipping away at her skull with a pick. She tenderly touched the back of her head with stained fingers. Lola was covered in blood. Her mother’s dress was more crimson than emerald.
“Damn.” Lola cursed through gritted teeth.
“Here, let me,” Loki offered.
Snaking an arm around her, he helped Lola to stand. She held onto him, securing her good arm around his shoulders. She perched on the end of her bed, watching as blood dripped down her fingers. For a moment she imagined it to be Thor’s blood. Lola shivered. She examined her arm. Several shards of glass were protruding from out of her right arm. She swore softly.
“I tripped,” Lola remembered. “I heard a scream. I think it was my own. I must have fallen into the mirror; how stupid of me,” she scorned.
Light shone through the shards with a sickening red gleam. Lola tore her eyes from it.
“I’d better get it seen to,” Lola said miserably.
She started to stand - Loki stood by her side.
“Come with me,” Loki gestured a hand out of the door. “Allow me to see to them.”
Lola, feeling touched by Loki’s offer, looked up and smiled.
“Please,” she said.

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