Chapter Twelve:

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Lola knew she was dying. It wasn’t like the concept hadn’t occurred to her beforehand. She could feel her body armour crumbling, revealing what was underneath. She could feel something shifting inside her, like a bird wishing to escape its cage. It continued to move within her, something large and dominant that refused to be ignored. Her hands fluttered against her stomach. She felt no lighter than air, her body concealed under a pane of transparent glass. She had no feeling, for it seemed lost. Everything to her was now lost.


The voice penetrated her soul. She turned round, recognising the voice she had heard so many times before. Her mother’s.


There she was, standing before her. Lola had almost forgotten what her mother had looked like; only fragments of memory had remained behind. She remembered her mother’s long dark hair and her bewitching green eyes. She also remembered the faint humour at her mouth and the long elegant strides which her mother took towards her. Lola felt surprisingly numb within her presence. 

“Mother?” Lola whispered.

My daughter. I have missed you. Her words were lighter than a spider‘s touch. Lola felt an instant chill fall against her skin.

“Am I dying?” Lola asked.

My daughter, you are already bounded by the threads of death which you cannot cut yourself away from. Little life still remains within you.

The words felt like a slap. Lola pressed her hand to her mouth, squeezing her eyes shut.

“How long do I have left?” she whispered.

Whenever your heart decides.

Although a fabrication of Lola’s mind - or so she believed, she was still able to feel her mother’s compassionate warm hand graze her arm.

“But my child…” Lola’s laid her hands against her stomach, imagining feeling her unborn son or daughter moving within her, requesting to be freed.

Your child shall live my daughter. You shall give birth to a beautiful daughter with her mother’s strength and her father’s wisdom. She will have eyes like her father’s, set deep in emeralds and hair as dark as your own. She will be of mortal and immortal blood. You will name her Hela; the goddess child.

Lola felt the tears collect inside her eyes and she raised a trembling hand to wipe them away.

“I only wish I had been there to be beside my family. My lover and our daughter, raising her to become the future Queen of Asgard. A fine and beautiful queen she will be. Loki will be good to her, I ensure it. Here.” Lola touched her fingers to her heart. “I feel it mother.”

Lola’s mother smiled.

I understand Lola.

“Mother…” Lola glanced behind her. She thought to have heard voices drifting towards her.

You haven’t long my daughter. We shall be reunited again soon.

Lola closed her eyes.

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