In Pursuit Of Varesh

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The players have little time to find Varesh, already Nightfall is starting to occur all across Elona. Rifts and disruptions in the fabric of reality are happening everywhere. At this point players can either choose to follow a vision by Melonni in the Nundu Bay mission and defend the village of Ronjok against the nightmare about to swallow it or they can follow Koss into the Jennur's Horde mission and help reclaim the Garden of Seborhin from the nightmare hordes.

After this, a disruption happens in the Jahai Bluffs that consumes Kormir and throws her into the Realm of Torment, but at the same time, it frees Palawa Joko, the infamous undead lord who tried to invade Elona centuries ago, from his prison. While the Sunspears are saddened by Kormir's disappearance, the appearance of Palawa Joko is a great opportunity, for if anyone knows how to cross the sulfurous lands of the Desolation, it would be him.

Using the aid of the Centaurs, players are able to catch Palawa Joko before he goes too far. They learn from him how his armies of old used to traverse the desert unharmed by the sulfurous haze that kills any mortal that steps into it. In the Gate of Desolation mission, the players are taught by Palawa Joko how to tame Queen Aijundu and thus gain the ability to ride inside the Junundu wurms to traverse the Desolation.

The players use the Wurms to storm the Bone Palace and help Palawa reclaim his throne as well as break into the rear lines of Varesh's armies. Palawa then instructs the players on how to add powerful Siege abilities to their wurms which would enable them to crush to the Horde of Darkness, the elite Margonite vanguard protecting Varesh as she tries to complete her ritual.

The players finally reach Varesh and in the Ruins of Morah mission face off with her to try and prevent her from completing that dark ritual. General Morgahn offers to aid them in battle and together they succeed in striking down Varesh.

Their victory is short-lived however, as the powers of the imprisoned god grow stronger every minute and the Realm of Torment begins to swallow the realm of humans, beginning with the spot where Abaddon was crushed, the Mouth of Torment. As soon as the players defeat Varesh, they are pulled through a dark Vortex into the Realm of Torment, the domain of a dark and powerful god.

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