to be real

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no longer can i believe 
that God is even a possibility 

i will not allow this to become a part of me 
for if he were truly to prance upon grave stones 
if Jesus is to rise again

why is there all of this suffering?

my many questions go unanswered as
bodies: laden heavily with agony and grief 
into heaps of jagged ice 

for they are stuck within a standstill 
unaware and incapeable are they of being 

sucked into a whirlpool

for this being we depend on
one unwilling to show his face 

maybe he is ashamed
not all powerful is he
and that he cannot seem to handle 

traipsing amongst these 

crippled vessels

that he is the damned creator of
so he will stay hidden 
he has already fled

but because of his curse 

his damnation 
is he but another human?

the mentality of safety by keeping to oneself 
the fear of vulnerability and losing belief
the being left alone in solitude with ones own thoughts 

God: but a damned creature creating more just as damned as himself 

god : GodWhere stories live. Discover now