Another two weeks had passed since my little accident, and my sister had finally come back for the rest of her things. She brought along her new boy toy to help, which was a little awkward, but it went better than I thought it would. I knew Adam was over Paige, so I don't know why I felt the way I did about the whole thing. I knew my sister well enough to know better, but in some ways her dating habits still bothered me. Once she had removed the last of her things, she actually gave me a hug and told me that she would try to come back for visits. My sister may be a lot of things, but deep down she still loved her big sister and cared about my well-being.

It took me a few days for it to sink in that my sister was truly gone. I woke up one morning and found myself sitting on her bed, staring at her empty walls. I knew in my heart that I was never truly alone: Adam spent about 80% of his time at the house with me, and there was always Luke and Jamie (when they weren't working or visiting family). I had never actually LIVED alone, though. With both parents gone and now Paige living out on her own, I was going to have this big house all to myself. No, no, that just wouldn't do. I didn't trust myself alone. I was a klutz, as my diner incident clearly showed, and I refused to live by myself anyway. I made a decision that day to ask Adam if he would like to move in with me full time.

I went downstairs to surprise him with breakfast only to find out that he had beaten me to the punch. When I walked into the kitchen, there was Adam, smile on his face and frying pan in his hand, cooking up all kinds of goodies for breakfast.

"You completely read my mind," I said. "I was going to surprise YOU with breakfast."

"They say great minds think alike," he told me. "Grab a plate and enjoy. I'll get you a cup of coffee as soon as it's done brewing."

"So my sister is really gone," I said. "I'm happy for her, but it feels so odd being all alone in this big house."

"Technically, you're not alone," Adam smiled. "You have me and Luke and Jamie. We're here quite often."

"True," I agreed. "I meant I'd be living alone. And somehow I'm not okay with that. I've always had someone here with me. As you know from two weeks ago, I'm a klutz. I don't trust myself alone. What if I had an incident at home and there was no one here with me?"

"I hang out here almost every day," Adam said. "That wouldn't happen."

"Which brings me to my next idea," I smiled. "Since you're basically here all the time anyway, how would you like to move in with me full time? I enjoy having you here and you already help with most of the housework and the cooking. I've had utilities covered for a long time now, so I don't need any money from you. What do you say?"

"Are you serious?" he asked excitedly. "I would love that! And my parents will be thrilled that I'm trying to be an actual adult. Not that they wouldn't let me live at home forever, but you understand what I mean."

"I actually do," I smiled. "So what do you say we head over to your parents' place after breakfast and get you moved in this afternoon?"

"That sounds like a plan to me," he said. "Then tonight, we can go out to a celebratory dinner, my treat."

We finished up our meal, and while Adam did the dishes, I went up to my room to change out of my pajamas. After pulling my hair up into a ponytail, I went back downstairs to see if Adam was ready to go. I handed him the keys to my car and we drove over to the house he shared with his parents. I was surprised at just how little we had to move from his room. For a guy, Adam didn't have quite as much stuff as one would think. We were able to fit everything into my trunk and across my back seat, only having to make the one trip to the house. I watched as Adam said goodbye to his folks, which brought a little tear to my eye, and we got back into the car and headed home.

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