Once again, from the time we got back from our Disney vacation, the months seemed to pass by. We celebrated Sara's third birthday that February, Adam turned 25 in March, Paige's 22 birthday was in April and before I knew it we were halfway through June. I remember the exact date: June 20. I woke up that morning feeling a little under the weather. It wasn't anything drastic like the flu or pneumonia, just a little stomach ache and some sneezing. Adam kept the kids busy while I made myself some soup and tea. About two days later, I was feeling so much better. We decided to take the kids over to Tom and Diane's for a day of swimming and relaxation. Life as we knew it was good.

Before I knew it, my birthday was right around the corner. Adam had made plans to take me out to dinner while his parents watched the kids. We wound up at the Olive Garden, and as usual we had a great time. When dinner was over, we got into the car and headed home for a little one on one time. While I was in the shower, Adam called his parents to check on the kids. He came back a few minutes later and helped me clean up before washing himself down. We crawled into bed and fell asleep in each other's arms...the perfect ending to a perfect day.

About a week later, I woke up one morning feeling majorly bloated. Knowing full well that my period was out of whack, I figured it must be on it's way, so I went into the bathroom to see just how swollen I was. I took off my shirt and my stomach was about as big as a bowling ball. Yeah, I was pretty bloated alright. I decided I was going to go and talk to my doctor about different ways to regulate my cycle so I didn't have to deal with as much bloating. I went downstairs to find Adam and let him know what was going on.

"Can you handle the kids for a little while?" I asked. "I want to go to the doctor and see what he can do about helping me regulate my period. I am so tired of all this not knowing when it's coming and then blowing up like a balloon when it's on it's way."

"Of course I can," he said. "How bad is it this time?"

I lifted up my shirt. "I look like I swallowed a bowling ball. I just feel like something's gotta give, you know?"

"I know, honey," he agreed. "Go ahead and get to the doctor. Let's hope he can help."

I arrived at the doctor's office about twenty minutes later. I checked in and took a seat in the waiting room. The nurse appeared about 10 minutes later and took me to the exam room. I made myself comfortable on the table while I waited for the doctor. Another 10 minutes went by before he finally walked in.

"To what do I owe this surprise visit?" he asked.

"I came to talk to you about options for regulating my period," I said. "I'm tired of never knowing when it's going to come until my stomach decides to blow up like a balloon."

"Why don't we take a look at that stomach?" he said, helping me to lie back on the table.

I pulled up my shirt and let the doctor do his job. He pushed on my stomach in different areas, asking if I felt any pain or pressure. I assured him that I did not, so he asked if I wouldn't mind letting him do an ultrasound. Of course I didn't mind. What if it was something other than my cycle causing the bloating? What if I had a cyst or something? Do what you have to do, doc. I'm alright with it, I promise. He got me all gelled up and started moving the wand around, checking for any abnormalities or other explanations for my problem. He finally spoke a few minutes later.

"Well Miss Kara, there doesn't seem to be any abnormalities causing your bloating problem," he said. "Why don't you take a look for yourself?"

I looked up at the screen. "No way," I replied.

"I take it you had absolutely no idea," he said.

"I had no signs, no symptoms, and until this morning, no weight gain," I told him.

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