I was sitting there on my bed, cradling my newborn son when I started to feel another sharp pain. It had been about five minutes since I had to deliver twin number one and I had been hoping the ambulance would be there before the second one decided to make his entrance. As soon as that pain hit, though, I knew it wasn't happening. I carefully laid the first baby next to me on the bed and put my hands back down below. Even though this was the first pain I had felt in a few minutes, I knew it wasn't going to be long before my second son decided to appear. Somehow I hadn't felt it, but most of his head was already out. I heard the ambulance pull up just as I was giving my final push. I cleaned up baby number two and wrapped him in the second clean towel. 

The EMTs started pounding on the door and that's when I realized that I had locked the door. Knowing they wouldn't hear me from upstairs, I made a bold decision and decided to make my way downstairs to let them in. Now keep in mind that I had just delivered my own twins and their cords were still attached to me. Add in the fact that walking probably wasn't a great idea, and you had a potential disaster on your hands. I made it to the door and unlocked it for them. The brought in the gurney and immediately laid me down, both babies still in my arms. I asked one of them to please grab my cell phone off the coffee table so I could let Adam know I was on my way to the hospital. I shot him a quick text just as they were closing the doors. A few minutes later, we were on our way.

After the doctor had come in to check on me and the babies, he cut their cords and had the nurses bring them to the nursery. He then turned all his attention to me.

"You are something else, you know that?" he said. "Probably one of the strongest women I've ever met."

"This wasn't my first rodeo," I said. "I have a daughter AND I delivered two of my sister's kids."

"Yes, but to deliver your own? And two of them at that? Without anyone's help?" he said. "You should be proud of yourself. Any other mother probably would have freaked out."

"Thanks, doc," I smiled. "Does anyone know if my husband has shown up yet?"

"I'll go and check the waiting room," he said. "If he's here, I'll send him in."

Adam showed up about five minutes after the doctor left. "Hey sweetheart," he said, rushing over to kiss my forehead. "Are you and the boys ok??"

"We were all given a clean bill of health," I replied. "The nurses should be bringing them back soon. They took them to the nursery to weigh them up and finish cleaning them up."

"I am so sorry you had to go through this alone," he said. "I should have stayed home today."

"How were any of us supposed to know this would happen?" I replied. "Sure, most twins are born before the 40 week mark, but for all we knew, we still had 7 weeks left to go."

"You're right," he smiled. "Still, would have been nice to know you weren't alone."

"I'm fine, the babies are fine, nothing went wrong," I said. "I hope your mom didn't cut her visit short because of me."

"Dad convinced her not to," Adam said. "She wasn't too happy about it, but she understood."

"Wait until I tell Paige that her kids aren't the only ones I had to deliver," I giggled. "And the funny thing is, she stopped by to see me today. I think if she didn't have to go to the doctor, she probably would have been there with me."

"What's wrong with her this time?" he asked.

"She thinks she's getting sick," I replied. "Possibly the flu, but she doesn't want to take any chances right now."

"Don't even tell me she's pregnant again," he said.

"Ok, I won't," I replied.

"Is she really?" he asked.

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