Since Adam and I had made our relationship official, the days (and months) just seemed to fly by. Maybe it was because we were both having too much fun to worry about anything else? I was slowly learning that the less you stress and the more you let loose, the less time you have to even think about what day it is. Before I knew it, we were in the month of November, and Thanksgiving was right around the corner. I know what you're thinking: But Kara, wasn't it just yesterday that Adam took you on that amazing getaway to Myrtle Beach? It would seem like it, but in all reality, it had been almost two months since then. In that time, my sister had finally called me and come clean about everything. Despite what her boyfriend had done to her, she was still with him and she claimed he had changed his tune and wanted to work things out for the sake of their child. Instead of giving her grief, I congratulated her and wished her the best, but told her that if she needed me for anything to let me know. We agreed to have a get together one of these days.

We were now a week away from Thanksgiving, and Adam and I had yet to figure out what we were going to do. We were under the impression that his parents were going to be away visiting family, and since Adam usually spent his Thanksgiving with them, he was at a loss for what to do that year. I had called Luke to see what he and Jamie were doing, and they too were going away to visit with family. I extended an invite to Paige and her boyfriend, I believe his name was Chris, but she was going to spend the day with his family, get to know them. With only two of us eating Thanksgiving dinner, I didn't see a need to go all out and buy turkey with all the trimmings. I decided we could go to the local diner instead, since they set up a buffet for those of us who didn't have anywhere else to go. Adam thought that would be the best idea too, until he got a phone call he was not expecting.

"Hello?" he answered.

"Well hello, son," I heard from the other end. 

Adam changed over to speaker phone when he realized who it was. "Hey pops. What's going on?"

"Same old, same old," he said. "Just wondering if you and Kara have plans for Thanksgiving yet."

"We're going to the diner," he told his dad. "They have a buffet set up for people who have no place else to go."

"That's why I called," Tom said. "You actually DO have a place to go. Your mother and I would love it if you two would come here and celebrate with us."

"I thought you were going to Pennsylvania?" Adam was confused.

"Your aunt and uncle had to cancel," his dad said. "His mom is in the hospital, so they will be spending the day with her."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Adam replied. "I would love to join you guys for Thanksgiving. I look forward to it every year. Let me just make sure Kara wants to tag along. She may still prefer diner food."

"Oh hush," I said, playfully slapping him. "I can't think of anyplace else I would rather be. Thank you so much for the invite, Tom."

"This is great," his father said. "Diane will be extremely pleased to hear that you'll be joining us. Adam can tell you how much she loves Thanksgiving."

"It's probably her favorite holiday," Adam agreed. "Aside from Christmas, that is."

"Dinner will be around 4," Tom said. "You two are welcome to show up any time before that, though."

"Sounds good," Adam told him. "Thanks, Dad. Give my love to mom."

"I sure will," his dad said right before disconnecting.

"Looks like you're going to get your Thanksgiving dinner with your parents after all," I smiled.

"They say the world works in mysterious ways," Adam said. "I guess we weren't meant to go to the diner for Thanksgiving dinner. Speaking of food, I'm starving. How about you?"

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