Chapter 1: Just a normal day or so we thought.

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"Good morning Ludwig." I said to the tall German man in the hallway. I was on my way to breakfast when he left his bedroom. He blonde hair was still messy from sleeping and he's beautiful blue eyes looked tried but happy to see that I was in high spirits. We were on the second floor about 4 rooms down the left hallway. "Gut morning to you too." He replied giving me a smile. I couldn't help but blush when ever he did that. That smile was rare but I knew how to make it to appear. My (h/c) hair was out of it usual messy bun and hanging down my back. I've had a crush on Ludwig since we've met, but being the capital federal state of Germany I knew it might seem weird that Berlin has a crush on her superior so I naturally avoided the topic. He was kind enough to let me stay with him until I was a stable state, but even after I was able to fend for myself I'm still around. My feelings kept that process moving slowly but I eventually got there. Ludwig and I walked downstairs to the kitchen where Gilbert was standing there waiting. "Gut morning little bruder and (y/n). I have been vaiting for 20 minutes for you zwo to vake up." Gilbert said. "If you vere already up you zhould have started making breakfast." Ludwig said annoyed. I giggled and looked at Ludwig. "It's fine. I'll make breakfast then." I said knowing that Ludwig enjoyed my cooking. "Oh gut!!! I can't vait to see vhat jou make!" Gilbert said as he sat down at the table and began humming to his little bird friend. I walked to the fridge and pulled out milk, orange juice, eggs, some Emmentaler cheese, butter, Schwarzwaelderschinken, and strawberries. Ludwig help me Grab The Brötchen, honey, Nutella and he brewed the coffee for breakfast.

I cracked the eggs and started frying them just the way the guys liked it. I set aside 2 eggs to scramble them for myself. As I fried the eggs, I tried to grab the salt and pepper but I was too short. Thankfully Ludwig was able to grab them for me. "Thanks Ludwig. Wouldn't have been able to reach it if you weren't here." I said as he handed me the salt. "No problem. Vne of Ziese days, ve'll make you taller." Ludwig joked handing me the pepper.

~time skip~

After breakfast Gilbert decided that he was going to Roderich's house to bother Elizabeth yet again. One of these days she's going to hit him hard enough with her frying pan that he'll actually go to the front door like a normal person. I decided that I needed to take a shower, so I went back upstairs, grabbed my favorite (F/c) flannel shirt, jeans and my combat boots that Ludwig gave me for my birthday. After my shower I noticed that Gilbert was panicking and telling Ludwig to turn on the TV. "I'm not playing games vith jou Vest! Turn on the TV!" "Gilbert if your vasting my time I vill punch jou." Ludwig said, annoyed. I came downstairs to see what was all the ruckus was all about. Ludwig turned the TV and world wide warning started blaring this awful beeping sound. The news was stating a world wide plague has been unleashed by some Russian scientists and was telling people to not leave their  homes. There was footage of people attacking and eating other people. I covered my mouth from shock and disgust. Ludwig saw this and gently placed his hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. Gilbert began to pack some food, ammunition, matches, spare clothes, and 2 pocket knifes.

"Gilbert the news told us to stay put. Where are you going?" I said seeing him pack and starting for the door. "I'm going to Roderich's house to get Elizabeth. Zhe's probably vondering how to get out of the city." Gilbert replied. "She's probably just fine. Roderich always locks the door since you wouldn't stop bursting through the door without warning as a kid."I said. "And even if she has seen ziese, she's probably got her frying pan. She'll be fine." Ludwig said. "I don't care! I'm going to go get her." Gil said. Gilbert really likes Elizabeth, but Elizabeth has always thought he was an asshole which he is. Gilbert won't give up though. "I vill go vith you. (Y/n) stay here until ve return. Lock ze door za second ve leave and don't open it for anyone but myself." Ludwig said. I chuckled. "Yes sir." I replied. Ludwig packed a few thing and headed out the door with Gilbert. "If ve are not back in before sunset, pack a few zings and head to ze basement and vait for us zere." Ludwig said as he closed the door behind him.

When The Zombie Apocalypse Hits. (Germany X Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now