Chapter 7: Time to Go

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It's been 2 weeks since we moved into the farm house and we have had our fair share of troubles within that time. Like some assholes came and threatened to kill us all if we didn't give them what we had. They didn't know that Feliciano was on the 2nd story with the 30-6, scoping them down, waiting for my signal. We eventually scared them off with some blanks that I found. After that I decided it was time to leave the farm and go someplace elsewhere. I finally warmed up to the idea of me being the leader, but I still didn't like it. I make the decision with the help of Ludwig. Ludwig and I have gotten really close within these 2 weeks, and I put him in as my second in command and even went on 'runs' multiple times together. We packed up all our things within 3 hours and headed for the highway. Since the Bugatti has been out of gas for a week, we walked to the highway. "If you guys find any vehicle that will run, please come find me or Ludwig and show us." I told them. "Everyone searches in pairs of two." Ludwig said. "What-a bout me? Who do I partner up with?" Feliciano asked. "Your with Alfred. Is that alright?" I said. "Si!" "Gil and Liz you guys can search and please don't 'skrew' around. The faster we find a car the faster we get out of here." I said. Gil flipped me off. They all nodded and began searching. After searching for about 20 minutes Ludwig and I found finally found a 1970s American Dodge Charger, while Feliciano and Alfred found an American Ford Pinto. Since the pinto was only a 2-seater and the charger was  a 4-seater that would mean splitting up and gram the group into this cars. "Hey, (y/n) there are no keys in the charger." Alfred pointed out. "Shit. I hope someone knows how to hot wire a car." "I do." Gilbert said. "Ze, hell? Vhen have you been able to hot vire a car? Oh vhat, of course you do." Ludwig said, Annoyed. "I used to steal cars my friends' cars all za time to prank zem. Za looks on zere faces vere hilarious." Gilbert said, knowing that it would piss off Alfred, because he use to do that all the time to him. "YOUR THE REASON MY CAR WAS ALWAYS IMPOUNDED!?!??!?" Alfred said, raising him voice. Gil laughed. "You son of a bitch!" Al said.

After calming Alfred down, Gilbert hot wired the charger We packed up our things in to the trunk of the challenger, and now all we had to do was see who goes in which car. "Ludwig and (y/n) should-a get the pinto, because they are-a our leaders. That's what-a I-a think." Feliciano said. "Vell, vhat if me und Liz vant it?" Gilbert argued. "The pinto was recalled because if it got rear ended, it would explode or catch on fire. One of those two." Alfred said. "ZEN VHY ZA HELL DID YOU VOLUNTEER US TO BE IN SUCH A DANGEROUS CAR!?!?" Ludwig yelled. "Hey it-a wasn't my-a idea. It was-a Alfred's." Feliciano said, throwing him under the bus. Alfred started quivering, just thinking about what Ludwig might do. "H-Hey l-look at the bright side. Y-You and (y/n) get to be alone. On the road. No body interrupting you..... Please don't hurt me." Alfred said, trying not to piss the German off more. "I vill not let meine liebe be in a car zat might cost her life. I VILL NOT ALLOW IT!!" Ludwig explained. "Ludwig, I have had experience driving cars like this. We will be fine. Ich liebe dich auch, I'll be careful. I will drive 25 feet away. Is that okay?" I said, trying to be reasonable. "Ja okay, zat's fine. Just be careful." He replied, still considered. We all then got into our assigned cars. Since I was driving the Pinto, Ludwig would have to be my navigator. Ludwig still didn't like being in a car that if rear ended could cause harm to us.

Alfred forget to mention that the Pinto was one shitty car. I mean seriously. The damn thing broke down several times, plus it was loud as hell every time it did causing zombies appeared. Let's just say I'm not happy at all. Alfred as a lecture coming to him that's for sure. Thank god Alfred and Ludwig knew how to fix cars though. That still doesn't get Al out of his lecture. After the 4th time breaking down, Ludwig could tell I was pissed. I like to drive with one hand, so he reached over and took my free hand. I have to say, just holding his large, warm hand, made me calm down some. I couldn't help but smile. We started heading North East to France to try and scavenge for supplies. "How long do you think it will take us to get to France?" I asked. "About 2 to 3 veeks, depending on the vay zese cars holdout. Could be 4 veeks. Maybe longer." Ludwig replied. "Well in that case, we are going to need a better vehicle. This damn this is too noisy. If there are any other survivors, we would be putting our and their lives at risk." "Gut idea, meine liebe. I do zuggest zat Alfred gets the shitty one next time around. He does deserve it for not telling us zat zis hunk of scrap metal had motor troubles." Ludwig said. He had a point there. Alfred has been been acting strangely, since we announced that we were together. It's almost like he's jealous.

~time skip 3 weeks~

It took us 6 weeks to get to France. Holy shit, that felt like forever. I am definitely not used to that much driving. We have just gotten to the border when the fucking pinto breaks down again for the hundredth time. At this point I couldn't stand being in that piece of shit anymore. I 'calmly' got out of the car and waved the others down. Ludwig also couldn't stand the car anymore and we began searching for another car, but with no such luck. The dodge was out of gas and so we decided to walk. "This is where I don't have a clue where to go. I have never been to France." I said, knowing that some people were going to ridicule me (aka Gilbert). "Your-a in luck bella. I use to-a visit my big brother Francis all the time-a. I can lead-a the way." Feliciano said, with a smile. "Zank God some one knows France." Gilbert said, annoyed. "Gilbert! You will show more respect for (y/n). She had done everything possible to make sure that we made it this far." Liz said, angrily. Gilbert sighed and gave Liz a smile. Gil nodded then Liz elbowed him. "I'm sorry (y/n)." He said. We walked all day until we came to a little town. "This look like a great spot to rest for the night. We can take shifts to watch our flanks." I said, hopeful. We chose a bar at the edge of town. We spent hours finding supplies. By the time everyone was back at the bar it was well after dark. Gilbert and Liz were the last of us to return. They left hours ago and only brought back a hunting knife and a box of crackers. You could almost guess what they spent most of their time doing. Alfred said he'd take the first watch. As I laid down next to Ludwig, I swear I heard Alfred say something like "Ludwig, your one luck son of a bitch to have (y/n) as your lover. I would do anything to have someone like her, but she's one in a million. You better not hurt her." I knew Alfred liked me, but is he willing to hurt or kill Ludwig to have me?

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