Chapter 13: Never Quit

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(3rd person POV)
~2 weeks later~

Marks was still harassing (y/n). Ludwig was there most of the time to stop the harassment, but when he wasn't (y/n) would either pull a weapon on Marks like a knife or elbow him in the face. Marks would go to hit her but he never did. He would lay off for a few days before trying again. Today was one of those days. (Y/n) was making some Hasenpfeffer (Rabbit Stew) for lunch when Marks snuck up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her arms so she couldn't fight back.

"Hello beautiful. We're going to have some fun today." Marks lustfully whispered into her ears.

She trying wiggling her body to escape his grasp, but to no avail. Marks took his left hand and groped her left breast. (Y/n) could feel his aroused member against her. Marks Arms suddenly released her violently. Lucky she stayed on her feet. (Y/n) looked back to see Ludwig pinning him to the wall. He easily overpowered Marks.

"VAT ZA FICK WERE JOU DOING?" Ludwig shouted.

"Just showing her a good time." Marks said, smirking. Ludwig slammed him into the wall, Marks made a painful grunt.

"Jou vere going to rape her!" Ludwig said.

"Maybe. Maybe not." Marks said, mischievously. Alfred, Gilbert and Cindy came in.

"That the hell's going on in here?" Alfred asked. They all stopped when they saw Ludwig pinning Marks.

"Marks was about to rape meine leibe before I stepped in." Ludwig said, angrily. Everyone has known about Marks pursue of (y/n) for awhile now.

"What does that even mean? For all we know you could be calling her something offensive." Marks said.

"Meine leibe mean My love in German you Dummkopf." Gilbert said, angrily. Marks looked at the Germans, embarrassed.

"Is this true (y/n)? Did Marks try to rape you?" Cindy asked, concerned.

"Yes." (Y/n) said. Alfred shook his head while Gilbert walked over to a pinned Marks and put a knife to his throat.

"Wo wo wo. L-l-let's not do something we'll regret ok fellas?" Marks said, nervously.

"Don't vorry. I von't regret a single zing." Gilbert said.

"Marks we've told you this before. If you touched (y/n) in anyway you would be thrown out of the group. Permanently." Alfred said.

"But we have a history man. I fought for you. I won your wars." Marks said.

"Zose rules don't apply in dis world anymore. It's about time jou figure zat out." Gilbert said, pressing the knife harder at Marks throat, cutting him a bit. Marks gulped.

Alfred cuffed Marks' hands behind his back while Cindy blindfolded him. Alfred, Ludwig and Cindy put Marks into one of the 2 military Jeeps they had, drove about 2 hours before stopping at a town and forced Marks out of the Jeep. Ludwig walked around and kneeled down.

"If I ever see jou near or around the base.......I'll shoot jou myself." Ludwig threatened as he removed the blindfold.

Alfred uncuffed Marks and got back into the Jeep. Marks got up. There was a backpack with some food, water, and some survival items inside it. He picked it up and walked over to the nearest building.

(Your POV)

"Where are they? They should be back by now." I said, anxiously. Hungary was sitting with me in the relaxing area.

"Relax. They'll be back shortly." Hungary said.

"Ok. By the way, I never learned your human name. May I ask what it is?" I asked.

"Not very many people knew it. Austria knew it." Hungary said in a saddened tone.

"I'm sorry I asked. I didn't mean to.."

"No no it's ok." She said. She looked down at her hands.

"You loved him didn't you." I said.

"He was like a brother to me. He took care of me and housed me. I'll never forget him." She said. I smiled at her. We sat there for a while in silence.


"What?" I said.

"My human name is Elizabeth." She replied.

"Oh, Elizabeth is a pretty name. Why on earth would you hide such a pretty name?" I asked.

"I've been made bullied in that past for having an American name." She said.

"No one is going to make fun of your name here." I replied, putting my hand on her shoulder. She smiled and went back to work.

~20 minutes later~

I heard a vehicle pull up. I run outside to see Ludwig getting out of the jeep. I immediately run up to him and hugged him.

"Is he gone?" I asked.

"Ja. He von't be coming back." Ludwig answered.

"Good." I said.

I noticed Hungary was over by Prussia off in the distance. I wonder. 3 days later Marks showed up at the front gate. I was with Ludwig on watch duty.

"Jou never quite do you?" Ludwig called out.

"No. I never fucking quite. Especially when I want something so firm between my thighs." Marks shouted. Ludwig aimed at him, angrily but hesitated. Marks noticed.

"What are you to fucking chicken to pull the trigger or is (y/n) bring here? You scared to have her watch you kill an innocent man?" Marks teased.

"Laddy." I said. Ludwig looked at me.

"Pull the trigger. This auchlock doesn't deserve to live anymore." I said. Ludwig nodded and pulled the trigger, hitting Marks in the chest.

Marks' body hit the ground like a brick. I walked over to Ludwig and he put one arm around my waist. He put the gun down and lite a match. He handed the burning match to me and I threw it on Marks' body, watching it burn.

The End.

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