Chapter 9: All Aboard the Captain's Ship

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[(Y/n) POV)]

Its been 5 days since I was basicly kidnapped and beaten. Ludwig hasn't left my side since. I guess he feels bad about want happened. I don't blame him, I was scared of what they were capable of. They could have raped me and left me to died, but they didn't. Alfred has tried to help me, with finding a car so I could rest. "Alfred, I don't have any cracked or broken ribs, so I don't need to rest. I'm fine." I told him, getting annoyed. "I'm sorry. I just think you should take a break." he said, conserned. "Jou don't have to keep pestering her. She just has a bruised and bleeding lip. Zat's it. Now leave her alone." Ludwig said. He still was worried, but he knew I HATE it when people keep asking of I'm ok. It's annoying as hell. I know they mean well, but I don't like it. Anyways, we where heading to the Atlantic Ocean to see if we could find a permanent place to call home. We decided to head for the City of Brest. We figured it would take a long time to get there on foot, so he looked for any functional vehicle we came across. Every car we came across was ever burnt or had been stripped down to just the frame. I was starting to think that we are going to be walking around for a long time until Hungary came across a Citroen C4 suden. "It's about damn time we found a car. I was about to die." Alfred said, panting. "Vhat's vrong Al? Didn't stay in shape before za apocalypse? I zought zat America vas za 'hero'. Ze 'saver of all'."Gilbert said, sarcastically. I had to chuckle a little bit, because Alfred was piss off. Alfred rarely gets angry, but when he does, he turns into a prick, and I mean PRICK. Ludwig's anger is also a no joking manner either. Ludwig yells very loudly to the point where you think the ground is shaking. Ludwig has never yelled at me though.

Anyways, the Citroen was in good working condition, it could only hold 4 people. We squeezed into it and drove to Brest.
~time skip~
We arrived in Brest in about 2 days. As we all got out of the car I noticed the ocean was as blue as the sky. My (e/c) eyes were filled with awe. The sound of the waves crashing agents the shore and the smell of sea foam made me feel at ease. I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist. I looked up to see Ludwig smiling at me. "Jou love ze ocean, don't jou?" He said still smiling. "I do. It makes me feel free. Before the apocalypse hit, I dreamed of getting married on a beach. I can still picture myself in a beautiful white wedding dress, sandals, and an arch with white tiger lilies and roses on it." I said. Ludwig hugged me tightly. "It vould have been a beautiful vedding. I hope zat vill be us someday." I could picture now. Me in a white laced wedding dress, walking towards the alter where Ludwig was standing in a white suit. "Maybe one day." I said, kissing him. We returned back to the group to start searching for supplies. 3 hours later, I heard voices my the decks. "Dammit! The boiler needs to be repaired. It's going to take weeks to fixes without help." The one of the voices said. The voice sounded like a man in his 30s. "It can't be helped Mack. The boiler is 10 years old. It was bound to break down sooner or later." The second voice said. This voice sounded like a man in his 40s. "Well Chris it look like we won't be getting to Parris Island anytime soon." Mack said. I look around the corner to see the two men standing in front of a large fishing boat. "Holy shit. That could get us to the US. I have to tell the others." I whispered, making a beline to the Citroen.

I meet up with Ludwig along the way and told him what I heard and saw. "Zat boat could get us out of here. Zat's a gut idea (y/n)." Ludwig said. 20 minutes later we gathered the group and told them everything. "Alright! We are heading back home." Alfred said. "What are-a we going to do with-a the men? It is-a their boat after all." Feliciano asked. "We ask them NICELY for a ride to America. They will probably ask us to help them till the boiler is fixed." I said starring at Gilbert who wanted to take over the ship after the boiler was fix. "That's a great idea." Hungary said. "I still zink zat ve should just take za ship. It vould be more fun." Gilbert said with a creepy grin. "Nein. Ve vill do no such zing. Ve are still human. Ve are not animals, Gilbert." Ludwig said, a little angered. We took a vote and everyone agreed with the plan expect Gilbert.

We gathered our things and went to a near by building by the ship. We didn't want to have everything on us when we go and ask the men to join them.
~time skip~
"Alright they are back. Everyone knows the plan right?" I asked. Everyone nodded. We headed out the door to the ship. The men were on the deck gathering what they with need to fix the boiler. "Hello gentleman." I said. "Who goes there?" Mack said. "I am (y/n) and this is my group. We were wondering if on your next time out to sea, we join you. We are prepared to help out if needed." I said. I could sense a odd aroma coming from them, but I ignored it. "We would be honored to have you aboard our ship. The boiler need repairs so we are stuck here for a few days until it fixed. Do you have anyone that knows how to fix it? It would go a lot quicker than." Chris replied. I looked at Ludwig and Alfred, knowing that they knew how to fix things, but I wasn't sure if they knew how to fix a boiler. "Ja I do und so does Alfred." Ludwig said for me. "Good then let's get your things aboard and let's get started." Mack said. After getting all of our things on board, we became helping Mack and Chris with the ship. This will be a good thing for us. I hope.

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