Chapter 5: Alfred!?!

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I woke up to the car at a stop. Everyone, except for Liz and Feliciano, who had his knees to his chest. Gil and Ludwig were outside talking to someone who was waving us down, at least that's what Liz told me. I got out of the car and walked over to where Ludwig and Gilbert were standing. "Hey guys, who are you talking to?" I asked. They both turned around and stepped aside. There stood Alfred, Worn and tired. "ALFRED?!" I said raising my voice a little. "Hey (y/n). How have you been?" Alfred said with a smile. "Just fine considering there's a zombie apocalypse thing upon us." I said, trying to make him laugh which It worked. "Ve vere on our vay to get you. How did you get out of America?" Gilbert asked. "I was already here when the zombies came. I figured that I better grab my survival pack at home. Arthur was already dead when I got home. I grabbed my pack and I headed south east. And I slept in cars at night so I won't get nabed in my sleep." Alfred said. I felt sorry for him. He lost his only family member right way. I couldn't help but walk over and hug him. "I'm sorry about Arthur." "It's fine. He left a note on my pack that said he still loved me, so I'm ok now." Alfred said. "Still zat must've been hard. Zeeing you only bruder dead. I vonder how zo. Arthur alvays locks ze door." Gilbert said. Gilbert and Alfred were best friends so he knew how things went over there. "Don't know." Alfred said. We invited Alfred to join us as we were going to find a permanent place to live. He joined us and we prosited on our journey.

~time skip 2 months later~

  (Ludwig POV)

We spent the last 2 months sleeping in cars and constantly changing vehicles when he ran out of gas. We finally found a place to live for now. It was a farm with a good fence around it. We were in Switzerland now and we haven't see any zombies around for awhile now. (Y/n) has really impressed me over all this time. She has lead us through every tough scenario without fail and made even harder choices. Everyone thinks she should lead us, but she doesn't like that idea. I have to say, she is a remarkable woman. I have been feeling differently about her recently, like if I am not around her, I get nervous, like if something bad might happen to her and I wasn't there to protect her. I know she can protect herself and she keeps telling me she can over and over again. I know how she feels about me, Gilbert told me awhile back. I might be having those same feeling. Gil and Liz are now a couple. I have know clue when, how or why they did. Liz has hated him for a long time up until a few weeks ago. And they won't stop holding on to each other. It's a little annoying with all this mushy stuff.

The farm house needs a little more work to it before it's safe to stay here long term. We'll all are going to start working on it tomorrow, after everything is inside. The house was white 2 stories tall with maybe 2 bedrooms. The locked door and Gilbert said he knew how to pick a lock which I don't believe. Gilbert did nothing but sit around the house, watching football (soccer) and drank beer while I was busy running an entire country! We still just sat back and waited. When Gilbert surprisingly got the door unlocked within two minutes we were all shocked. Liz immediately ran up to him, kissing and thanking him. Good god.

~time skip~

It was about maybe midnight by the time we got everything into the house. "Vell, zhere are only 3 bedrooms. How shell ve decided vho gets vhat room?" I asked. Everyone stood in the Entery in silence. "Why don't Gil and I take the guest room while Ludwig and Feliciano get the room downstairs and (y/n) gets the master bedroom." Liz suddenly said. "I don't vant to listen to you two fooling around all night." I responded. "How about this, Ludwig and Gil will take the master bedroom, Alfred and Feliciano will take the guest room and Liz and I will take the downstairs bedroom." (Y/n) said. Smart answer, that's for sure. "That's awesome! Way to use it head of yours and we don't have to argue when some people keep others awake." Alfred said, giving Gil and Liz a look. Liz yet again tried to get her and Gil in their own room but (y/n) again said no. Liz frowned but didn't press the matter further. Everyone settle down within about an hour. I saw (y/n) on the floor in the living room counting what little ammunition we had left. "Hey (y/n), Do you need any help?" I asked. "Sure if you don't mind. That's fine." She said. I sat next to her and shifted the ammo pack so we could both could reach it. "Vat are you zoughts of zis place?" I asked. "It's a good place to stay for awhile, but not long term. The boards are rotten from lack of care. Some of the rooms have multiple leaks and half of the windows are broken." She replied. She was right. The house more likely to collapse on us then anything else. "I vanted to ask you something." "Ask away." She said, stopping briefly. "I know something about you." "Like what?" She looked up at me. I sighed. "I knew you like me. Gil told me a while ago." I said, looking into her beautiful (e/c) eyes. Her eyes widened when she started blushing beet red. "Vell, I've been feeling the same way. I think you are a beautiful and intelligent voman. I like you the vay you are." "Ludwig, what are you saying?" she looked anxious. "(Y/n), ich liebe dich." I told her. She look surprised and gave me a smile. "I love you too." She said with that beautiful smile that I always loved. I then leaned over and kissed her. She excepted it and returned it. "Vell, vell vhat do ve have here?" Gilbert said, reviling himself from behind the staircase. I look up, shaking my head in frustration. "How long have you been there?" (Y/n) asked. "Zourgh ze vhole zing." He replied. "Vhy didn't you zay anyzing?" I asked.  "I didn't vant to ruin za moment." "Well you did now. I'm off to bed. See you guys in the morning." (Y/n) said as she got off the floor and headed to her room. As she was going up the stairs, she turned and looked at me with a smile.

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