Chapter 6: Duty Calls

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[(Y/n) POV]

The next morning, I woke up happier than I have ever been. I kept going back to what happened last night.
I was on the floor, counting what little ammunition we have, when Ludwig walked over. "Hey (y/n). Do you need any help?" He asked. I looked up. "Sure if you don't mind. That's fine." I told him. He sat down next to me and shifted the ammo pack to a position so we both could reach. "Vat are your zoughts of zis place?" He asked. "It's a good place to stay for awhile, but not long term. The boards are rotten, some of the rooms have multiple leaks and half of the windows are broken." I replied. I figured he agreed with me, because he tilted his head a little. "I vhat to ask you something." ""Ask away." I said, stopping briefly. "I know you like me. Gil told me a while ago." I looked up stunned! I wanted to punch Gilbert. That was supposed to be just between us. "Vell, i feel the same way. I think you are a beautiful and intelligent voman. I like you the vay you are." "Ludwig, what are you saying?" I couldn't help but looked anxious. "(Y/n), ich liebe dich." he told me. I'm surprised. I didn't know he felt that way about me. I then gave him a smile. "I love you too." I said, still smiling. He then leaned over and kissed me.
"Hey. Are you just going to lie in bed all day? We have things to do you know." Liz said. "Ok, ok, I'm up." I told her. I got up, got dressed, and went into the kitchen to prepare something for everyone to eat. "Gut morgen (y/n)." I jumped at the voice behind me. I turned around and there was Ludwig, leaning on the old fridge, smiling. "Good morning Ludwig." I said. He walked up and gave me a hug from behind. He felt so warm and being in his arm made me feel safe. Ludwig kissed my head. "Do you vant to go on a run vith me, today?" He asked. "I'd love to." I replied with a smile. At this point everyone else had already down in the kitchen and they saw Ludwig hugging me and asking me to go on a run with him. "So are you two together now?" Alfred asked. I was dumbfounded. I didn't know what to say. "Ve are considering it." Ludwig said. Right wording that's for sure. "Well if you two turn into these two. Warn me first." Alfred said, pointing to Liz and Gil. "Ok. We will." I said, giving Ludwig a wink. He chuckled and helped me with breakfast.

After breakfast, we went to work fixing the house to a point where It's at least safe to sleep in, without worrying about zombies coming in. I decided to take a walk around and check out the barn about a half a mile away from the house before heading out with Ludwig. As I got closer I noticed that it was lock with 2 padlocks and a thick, long board across the doors. I got closer when I hear moans. I stop. I knew right away that zombies were in there. I turned around and run to find Ludwig. I found Ludwig by the Bugatti. "Ludwig! The barn is filled with zombies." I said, out of breath. "Vhat!" I showed him to the barn to the point where he could hear the moans. "Schisse! Zis complicates zhings." He said. We decided that we should tell the others. Alfred and Gilbert like the idea of zombies been our neighbors oddly enough Frankly I didn't want them to break free and come after us. "Vho ever put zem zere must have been vaiting for a cure." Ludwig said. "If there even is one being made." Gil said. "Still that's fucked up. Putting dead people in a barn to rot." Alfred said. "Either vay, ve have to zo somezing." Gilbert said. "I-a say we a-just leave them a-there. Their not hurting anyone." Feliciano said. "Yeah, they have to die sometime, right?" Liz said, holding onto Gil's arm. "What like starve them? Is that even possible?" I asked. "It might just slow down their movements. It's just a theory." Alfred said. After about an hour of debating we voted on taking care of the zombies after finding something to cut the padlocks.

~time skip~

Ludwig and I went on our supply run to find any food, ammo, guns if we were lucky, and lock cutters. "So, (y/n)
I vas vondering if you vould like be my girlfriend." Ludwig asked nervously. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend. I've loved you since we've first met." I said, smiling. Ludwig when took my hand as we walked into a gun shop. "Wow, there is still some guns left. A revolver, double-barrel shotgun, a 30-6, and a world war 2 M1 grand. Still in working condition." I said. I knew Ludwig liked guns and I could see that he was impressed by my knowledge. I normally didn't talk about guns much. We found 2 boxes of shells for the M1 grand and 1 box for the rest of them. We surprisingly found the lock cutters in the gun shop. We found a few idems of food in what was a gas station at one point. We then turned back and headed home.

~time skip~

We got back around 5 o'clock and everyone was gathered by the barn. As we got closer, we could tell that there was an extra person by the barn doors. "You people dare to trespass on my land and kill my friends. You people are monsters. MONSTERS!!" The woman screamed. "Whoa whoa whoa, there lady, you must be crazy. Your 'friends' are dead and will eat you." Alfred said. "No they won't! They take care of me. Don't you DARE touch my friends!" She said, pulling out a colt 45. By this time, me and Ludwig have already rejoined the group. Gilbert raised up his 1941 Luger and took aim. I handed Ludwig the revolver and I grabbed the shotgun. The girl could tell she was out gunned, but she still pointed her gun at us. "Miss, put ze gun down und no vne vill get hurt." Ludwig said. "No. Not until you leave my land." She replied. Just then a shot went off. Everyone dropped to the ground, covering their heads. The girl then dropped on the ground like a sack of flour. Everyone looked to see who killed her. We all saw Feliciano with the M1 grand in his hands, shaking. "F-F-Feliciano." Liz said with terrified eyes. I could see that Feliciano was crying as well. I gently placed my shotgun on the ground and slowly walked up to him. "Feliciano, it's ok. She's not coming back. You can put the gun down now buddy." I said. I slowly grabbed the M1 grand out of his hands and carefully grabbed him by the shoulder and led him to the nearest tree and forced him to sit. Feliciano started crying louder as I handed Ludwig the gun. "What have I-a done? I'm-a idiot." He said. "You panicked. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less." I told him.

~time skip~

We took care of the zombies in the barn and burned them along with the girl. We all ate dinner quietly, not knowing what to say after what happened. Feliciano went straight up to his room after dinner. I guess he is still shook up by what he did I guess I would be too if that happened to me. Ludwig and I decided to stay up to keep watch, just in case that girl had a group. "Crazy day, today." I said. "Ja. I never knew Feliciano vould have it in him to take someone's life like zat. At least he didn't harm you vhen you took za gun avay. I vould've clocked him gut if he did." Ludwig said. I smiled, knowing that what he said was true. "Let's say Feliciano shot me. What would you've done then?" "I vould've tackled him und have Gilbert take him inside to be tied up before he hurt anyone else. Zen hush over to you, hold you, and hope for the best." Ludwig began to tear up a tiny bit just thinking about it. My heart melted. I felt so loved to knew he would be by my side if something bad happened. "You would do that for me?" "Of course I vould. Your everzing to me, leibe. I can't imagine my life without you in it." He said. I lean over and kissed him deeply.

When The Zombie Apocalypse Hits. (Germany X Reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now