1. Close as Strangers

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Set a year and six months after CACW, and before AIW. Disregarding Bucky's choice at the end of CACW; his metal arm was replaced by yet another metal arm :3


You knew no one in the crowded banquet hall. 

Well, of course you knew Steve; he was Sharon's brand new, shiny husband, (after a year and three months of dating) and you were her best friend. So of course you knew Steve, from all the months it seemed that he spent over at your and Sharon's apartment. But everyone else in the room may as well have been statues with blank faces. You couldn't place a single other person that surrounded you. You'd been told that the Avengers were there, but you could not recognize a single one of them without their ridiculous costumes.

You liked Steve, he seemed to be an appropriate match for Sharon. He was pleasant, chivalrous, a home-bred, All-American boy. You knew how much Sharon liked blonds who had a sense of purpose; she was one.

A man clambered onto the stage, clearly after having at least one too many, and grabbed the microphone, ushering the wedding singer away from the stand. He held his half-empty glass to the mic and tapped it with a butter knife. The sound reverberated around the room, and most of the other guests began to do the same. You, sat at the bar, had a drink in your hand, but you just watched the man without interest, not engaging in the "festivities."

"Hello," The man's voice was authoritative, with a hint of arrogance. You rolled your eyes; he was probably one of "The Cap's" friends. 

"My name is Tony Stark," He continued, his words barely starting to slur. "And I would like to toast the bride and - hiccup - groom."

Tony Stark. Also known as Iron Man. One of "The Cap's" friends, indeed.

From across the room, you watched Steve at the reception table as he dropped his head, his cheeks beet red. When he lifted it again, a tight smile was playing on his lips.

"Now Steven, I know we've had our - hiccup - issues, but I'm glad we were able to put it past us for this joyous occasion. Congratulations, Steve and Sharon." He held his cup up with the rest of the room before taking a long swig and stumbling from the stage.

You raised your eyebrows and swiveled on your stool to face the bartender. You signaled for another drink as someone sat down next to you.

"What'll you have?" The bartender raised his chin at the man.

"A Manhattan." 

"Comin' up."

The man was quiet. You knew it wasn't Stark, the toast guy; he would've hiccuped by then.

The bartender returned quickly with your drink, and you immediately took a sip. You turned back to the party, leaning your back and elbows on the counter behind you and holding your drink in one hand. Steve and Sharon were out on the floor, dancing to some swing song from the 1920's that Sharon's mother had loved. You remembered the first time she'd presented it to you on her record player; you weren't big into Jazz music, but you had to admit that the song was pretty good.

"You're the bridesmaid, right?" The man on the stool beside you said. It took you a moment to realize he had spoken to you. 

"What gave me away?" You gestured to the hideous, Pepto-Bismol colored dress that all the other women in the wedding party were wearing. You kept your eyes on the bride and  groom.

"What, the dress? It looks great."

"Don't give me that. I look like a bottle of something you drink when you're nauseous."

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