8. Disneyland (Part 1)|requested|

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Takes place after CA:CW

The park opened at 8 AM to find you, along with Bucky and the rest of the Avengers, arriving. For most of them, it was their first time attending the Happiest Place on Earth and were more than eager to get there early. You, however, were a seasoned Mouseketeer, and had been enjoying the park's spoils since you were too young to remember it. You suggested, as you all walked from the hotel, that you take it easy and enjoy the walk, but Wanda insisted you all move quickly, even threatening to move some of the slower members of the group herself with her crimson lightning.

After waiting what felt like hours in line, especially to Wanda, who kept twitching and bouncing like a five year old, you were all finally let into the park. You took a group photo in front of the Mickey head, Sam posing on the ground in the front.

You and Bucky were walking hand in hand when you entered Main Street through the right tunnel, trailing behind everyone else. You overheard Steve and Sharon discussing the first time she went to the Happiest Place on Earth. The look of wonder on Steve's face made you smile and cuddle up closer to Bucky, who wound an arm around your shoulders and kissed your temple.

Bucky stopped to read the plaque above the tunnel opening, repeating the immortal and magical words aloud; "Here you leave today and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy". When you resumed your pace, the both of you almost smacked into Steve, who had paused at the end of the tunnel. With a grin, you watched Steve and Bucky's wide eyed gazes as the world they grew up in came to life around them. Modeled with architecture and vehicles from the early 1900's, Walt Disney's Main Street looked like it had jumped from a history textbook and into the world around them. Bucky inhaled deeply and looked down at you, giving you a large grin.

"Where to first?" Natasha and Clint were both bent over a paper map of the park.

"Space Mountain!" Wanda seemed a child as she grasped Vision's hand and led the group through the turn of the century and into the land of tomorrow.


The loading dock for Space Mountain moved quickly, to say the least. The people in the car had only seconds to get out, and you had only seconds to get in. The fast, fluid unloading and loading threw Bucky off, and he was flustered until the lap bar closed down on his upper thighs.

"Hey, Steve. Rollercoasters weren't like this when we were young, were they?"

You, Bucky, Steve and Sam (Space Mountain made Sharon ill, so she had stayed off) shared a car, paired off in the small, two person rows. Natasha, Clint, Wanda and Vision were put together in the car behind you

"What do you mean, Buck?" Steve asked as the car began to move. It came to another stop, and a cast member asked all of the passengers to check the lap bar. Then the ride was off. Bucky faced forward again, holding onto the bar with his metal hand, and with his flesh, he held your hand. You squeezed it, flashing him a smile. When he grinned back, you could see the deep-set nervousness in his eyes.

"They weren't all steel like this."

"Hey, you're right. You know, I bet Howard Stark had something to do with it-"

"Will you two ladies shut up and enjoy the ride?" Sam demanded, a smile prodding at his mouth as you laughed. Steve stopped, hands raised in mock surrender, as the car began to tug itself upward through a tunnel. The car went quiet. Voices sounded in the headrest, stating you were clear for takeoff. An instant later, plunged into the dark, star-spotted oblivion of artificial space, the coaster roared to life, moving fast.


"Holy shit! Holy shit! That was awesome!" Sam exclaimed as the eight of you clambered off the ride. Steve was grinning from ear to ear, his golden hair blown in a way that made all of you know would make Sharon want to fix it for him. Bucky had released your hand shortly through the ride, and was breathless as he laughed.

"That was..." He trailed off, running a hand through his hair.

"Awesome?" You snaked an arm around his waist as you fell into step beside him, watching Wanda as she tried to persuade Vision to ride it with her again.

"C'mon, Vis, just once more..." She said as they trailed ahead.

"Incredibly awesome." Bucky laughed, his face glowing from exhilaration.

At the exit, Clint and Natasha were studying the map again, and Steve's hair had been set to rights.

"How about Star Tours?" Clint asked. "Its right around the corner."

"What's 'Star Tours'?" Steve and Bucky looked between the group.

"You had Star Wars on that little list of yours, right?" Sam said.


"Well, now you get to see it firsthand."


After taking flight with Captain Rex and defeating evil with the Rebel Alliance, Bucky declared that he "loved space", and Natasha felt it was time for the Avengers to meet the Abominable Snowman on the Matterhorn Mountain.

When Vision asked her what the Abominable Snowman was, Natasha simply smirked and said, "You'll see."

Clint disembarked from the ride unimpressed, stating that "if all of the people on the wrecked bobsleds had had me and my arrows, there wouldn't have been a problem.", and suggested they ride the Tea Cups next.

"When I was young, I could get those babies to spin like they never had before."

"They're right around the corner. Let's go." Steve said, taking Sharon's hand and leading the group. You and Bucky lingered behind, and he laughed as you regaled him with your childhood Disneyland stories.

"And this other time, when we were all exiting the Indiana Jones ride, my aunt tripped over a trash can." You started.

"Hey, slow pokes, who are you riding with?" Wanda called to you, ending your tale.

"We'll share one with Steve and Sharon," Bucky offered.

"Great. So we're with Natasha and Clint again. They never let us have fun." Vision wrapped an arm around Wanda's shoulders and pulled her into him. She smiled up at him and he down at her. You grinned as you watched them, pulling Bucky's hand to your lips and pressing a kiss to it.

"Wait a damn minute. Who am I gonna ride with?" Sam demanded.

"You can squeeze with us," Natasha said.

Sam glared at Bucky over his shoulder, mouthing, "I hate you", before cracking a smile and sticking his tongue out. Bucky reciprocated, earning a laugh from you.

You had been in line for the tea cups for almost ten minutes when a small girl, who couldn't have been older than nine, climbed over the railing and tugged on Bucky's sleeve. Her parents reached for her but saw who their daughter was talking to and simply stood by, watching Bucky with awe and gratefulness shining in their eyes.

Bucky looked down at the little girl, confusion etched on his face. She was dressed like him, in all black, with boots and a small leather jacket. The right sleeve of her jacket had been removed to show her prosthetic arm. When the realization dawned on him that that little girl was a fan, his face cleared, and he went onto one knee to be level with her.

"You're Bucky Barnes, right?"

He nodded, obviously swallowing hard around a lump in his throat. You stood by with the rest of the Avengers and watched.

"You're my hero." She said.

"And you're mine." Bucky smiled at her, and her cheeks grew red.

"Don't stop fighting. Ever." She said, determination set in her features. Her blonde pigtails bounced as she shook her head. "Ever."

"I won't if you won't." His voice was quiet. She beamed at him, and held out her right arm. He took her prosthetic hand gently, and held it in both of his. Her parents had tears in their eyes.


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