3. Christmas

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It was Christmas time.

There was a neighborhood in your home town that had a block-wide lights show. Every home would be decorated from the foundation to the rafters, with massive reindeer and Santas, shimmering evergreens displayed in windows, strings of lights along roofs, lawns, and even roped from house to house above the street. The entire town came out, in cars, bundled in coats and scarves on foot, to see the lights. You went with your family every year. Sometimes, it would snow, giving the scene an ethereal look. It was your favorite thing in the world.

This year, you'd arrived in your hometown with someone new. Your family picked you and Bucky up at the airport. They'd heard of Bucky Barnes, the Avenger, but that night they got to meet Bucky Barnes, the Uncomfortable Boyfriend.

  Seven months ago, when you'd told your family you were dating someone, and it was looking serious, they were overjoyed. Then you disclosed that it was Bucky, and they almost seemed anything but. However, as time went on, they got used to the idea of you seeing an Avenger, and even invited him to spend the holidays with them.   

You, Bucky and your family all went light-looking that night. It was December 24th, and Bucky had to be back in DC in two days for a mission. The thought of him leaving early the morning of the 27th broke your heart, but you were grateful for the time you had together that holiday.

The two of you lagged behind your family, going at your own pace. You gripped his gloved metal hand in your cold ones. He snaked his arm around your shoulders, pulling closer as you held fast to his hand. Bucky kissed your temple and you smiled up at him. He had the lights in his eyes, and his mouth was slightly ajar in silent awe as he observed your surroundings. The snow had started to fall as soon as you'd arrived at the neighborhood, and a thin, sparkling blanket covered everything, reflecting the colors of the lights.

"I've never seen anything so beautiful," He whispered, his mouth against your hair. You grinned in reply, stopping him to press a kiss to his scruffy cheek.


The sun wasn't up by the time Bucky woke you on the 25th.

You sat up in bed, smoothing your hair down.

"Do you know what time it is?" You said with a yawn.

"I'm sorry, doll. I just couldn't wait to give you this."

He handed you a small box and you took it of from him. You ogled him and the festively wrapped box warily.

"What is it?" You implored.

"Guess you'll have to open it to find out," A smile crept across his face. You narrowed your eyes but ripped into the gift. In seconds, you had it open.

"Oh my God," You breathed, pulling the item from the box. It was a necklace, with a skinny silver chain that held on to a small red star charm. You gazed at the jewelry, embracing Bucky.

"Its beautiful. Its just like the one on your arm," You traced the crimson star on his metal arm with your index finger.

"No matter what happens on this mission I have to go on soon, I'll always be with you, as long as you're wearing this."

You laughed and Bucky grinned widely at you.

"Oh my God! That is so unbelievably cheesy. But I love it so much. Thank you," You planted a kiss on his cheek.

"You're welcome my darling." He paused to press his lips to yours. "I love you my darling. Merry Christmas."

"I love you, too. Merry Christmas."

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