6. Assassins (Part 1) |requested|

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**Rated Mature for language** **AU**

8 Months Before CA:TWS

Paris, France

You crouched on the rooftop, your sniper rifle in hand, poised and at the ready. Your target moved in the street down below and you watched him, your breathing slow.

The night was pitch black, and as cold as the Atlantic ocean in January. Your breath clouded in front of you, captured by the moonlight. It showed clearly, like mist. You ducked your head when your mark looked in your direction, and held your breath. He kept walking, his head low and his hands shoved deep into his pockets.

You surveyed the street. Your target was the only person awake, besides you, at that ungodly hour. The block was silent as the dead, and as dark as the inside of a coffin.

"This'll be easy." Your whisper was scattered by the wind.

You took your aim, catching your mark in the telescope. You kept your breathing steady, even as your pulse began to race. This was always the hardest part. Using all of your willpower to keep the phrase he's human from your mind, you inhaled deeply. You pulled the trigger as the distant church bells sang out, calling midnight.

Your mark dropped where he stood, his black blood spilled on the cobblestone street. You had disappeared into the night before the bells had fallen silent.

6 Weeks Later
Paris, France

You'd been summoned by a woman named Evie to a place you didn't know for a job that wasn't specified. She said the location of the place had to be completely anonymous, so when you met up with her in the outskirts of Paris, a burlap bag was placed over your head and you were ushered into a vehicle that you thought was a helicopter. When you landed, the bag was removed and a meadow lay before you. A bunker that looked like it was from the bombing raid days of WWII sat squat and dilapidated just yards ahead. You were led toward it.

The metal doors of the bunker clanked open to reveal an elevator with only two buttons - up and down. Evie pressed the down button, and the doors rattled shut. You traveled for what felt like hours, and when the elevator finally stopped, the doors opened to a room, which gave off the appearance of being just as (so not very) modern as the exterior of the building.

Fluorescent lights bathed the room in a sickly green glow, and a metal table with four chairs of the same alloy sat in the center of the room. Concrete lined the floors and walls, and you approached the table slowly.

When you entered the room, you knew whatever you had been summoned for was legit. Besides you and Evie, there were two other people in the room, and both were wearing ridiculous costumes. You looked down at your boots, jeans, and tank-top, then back at her. 

"Was I supposed to dress up?" You asked.

"(Y/N), meet the Winter Soldier and Deadpool." Evie said, ignoring your question.

The Winter soldier stood silent and solitary across the room, his arms folded across his chest. His striking eyes bored into yours and remained there, even when you looked away. You half wished you could see the rest of his face; it was obscured by his shoulder-length hair and a black half-mask. Deadpool's hidden features watched your every move with interest. You could almost see the amused expression behind the disguise.

"Why are we all here, again?" You asked and pulled one of the metal chairs out from the table, ignoring the shrill sound it gave off and sitting down.

"Well, assuming you all can play nice together and don't kill each other, you have  been hired as assassins."

"To assassinate?" Deadpool asked.

"Yes, dumbass." Evie shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Well, fuck me. I guess someone didn't forget to take their bitchy pills this morning," He said.  

"который является целевым (who is the target)?" The Winter Solder implored. His ability to speak Russian surprised you and you studied him. Everything about the strong, stoic man intrigued and impressed you. The fact that he wore a leather jacket and black gloves in ninety-degree heat especially piqued your interest. You wondered where they dug him up.

A slow smile spread across her face, and goosebumps grew along your arms in response. There was something about her, and you couldn't put your finger on it, but it was something that made you distrust her. Something that was...off.

"You're going after Uncle Sam himself," She paused, taking time to eye every person in the room. "Captain America."

Deadpool laughed. "Oh, right, 'cause that's fucking possible."

"It's about as possible as you, Mr. Wilson." She turned to him, daggers in her stare.

"Who hired us?" You spoke, drawing attention back to yourself as each eye turned to you.

"I'm sorry?" Evie asked.

"You said someone hired all of us. Who?"

"Oh, just a little American government organization called S.H.I.E.L.D."

Something almost like recognition flashed in the Winter Soldier's eyes, but you dismissed it and turned to Evie.

"When do we start?"

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