4. Adventures in Babysitting |requested|

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You and Bucky had somehow (it was your idea, but you weren't about to let him know that) been roped into babysitting Clint's kids for a night. You thought it'd be good practice for later, in case the two of you had children in the future, or something. You and Bucky had never really talked about it before, but you had the feeling he would be a great dad.

You had been dating for a year, (ever since you had become an Avenger) and you couldn't imagine a better way to spend your time than fighting crime with Bucky Barnes and his best friend Steve Rogers. But when Clint asked you to babysit, you jumped at the chance, hoping for some normalcy with Bucky.  


You showed up to the Barton's farmhouse to find the children already outside, awaiting your arrival. Lila, their middle child and the only girl, cheered when she saw you and leaped to her feet, clambering after Bucky.

"Bucky, Bucky!" She shrieked, scrambling into the Winter Soldier's arms. He started but cradled her with his flesh hand. 

Cooper, Clint's oldest son, clung to your leg as you reached down to pick up their youngest, Nathaniel. Cooper eyed Bucky through narrowed lids, and he looked at Cooper the same way.

"Hey!" Clint called from the house, ushering you and the kids inside.

"Right. So, not that you'll need them, 'cause you're, you know, you, but important numbers are on the fridge. No sweets after eight, that includes caffeinated soda. TV off after dinner. Lila's bedtime is eight-thirty, Cooper's is an hour later, and Nathaniel's...well, his bedtime is pretty much whenever he tells you it is."

"Or whenever you get tired of him." Clint's wife interjected with a smile.

"Gotcha," You chuckled. You watched as Bucky tried to dodge the fingers that Lila kept throwing into his hair.

"But otherwise, you should have no problems. They love you," Clint placed a hand on your shoulder. "So hopefully they'll behave."

"Fingers crossed," His wife laughed, planting a kiss on Cooper's head. "Be good, honey. I love you."

"I love you, too, mom." 

She kissed Nathaniel and Lila, as well, before stepping out of the door.

"See ya, children." Clint announced, patting each of his kids on the head, as well as you and Bucky. "Be good." He looked pointedly between the two of you. 

"I can't make any promises." You shrugged, or as well as you could shrug with a baby in your arms.

Clint shook his head and knelt to be level with Cooper.

"No animal sacrifices." He said.

"No animal sacrifices." Cooper repeated, earning a smile from his dad.

"That's my boy." Clint grinned and ruffled his son's hair. "And now I'm off. We should be back before midnight." He gave Lila a kiss before disappearing through the entryway, closing the door behind him. Bucky reached over to lock it.

The kids watched you quietly, and you and Bucky exchanged glances. 

"So...what now?"

"Dress up!" Lila shrieked. She slid from Bucky's hold and took him by his metal hand, dragging him to her room.

"Dress up!" He repeated in the same tone, shooting you a look.

You laughed and followed them.


An hour later, you, Bucky, Cooper and Lila were all dressed up and sitting around a small table in her room that was adorned with a plastic tea set. The four of you had been playing pretend for a while; Lila was the hostess of the tea party that you, Bucky and Cooper had attended. Your pretend name was Miss Ariel (because she was Lila's favorite Disney character and you were her favorite Avenger (besides Bucky)), Bucky's was Mr. Jonas ("Because Joe Jonas has long hair like you, Bucky!"), and Cooper's was Mrs. Nesbitt ("from Toy Story!" as Lila had eloquently clarified for you). 

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