Chapter 5

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I don't own the image

Kaien's POV



"For your information nobody calls me ugly before!!"

"Well they don't call you ugly but I'm sure they think so too!!"








Before a fight start,my dad sat me on his lap and encircled his arm tightly on my waist while I tried clawing Killua.

Him on the other hand,his brothers Illumi and Piggy held him back and make him sat on the couch while his shouting 'Don't touch me' and 'Let me at her'.

Silva and dad sighed at this.

"Enough the two of you!"Silva said sternly

We stop but I still glared at him while sitting on my dad's lap and he stick his tongue at me.Childish

Oh how much I want to pull out his tongue!!Bash his head on the floor and get his brain then sell it to the black market.Oh but his an airhead oh well they say thing have higher value when they not use or use often.Next gut him like an animal,get his internal organ and maybe donated them in the hospital because they need them more than him.Lastly pull out his eyes and keep it to myself as a trophy.Hahahaha maybe thats too kind way die ?Should I plan more gruesome?Use his blood to paint my room?Torture him for a while?Nah that doesn't work on him.Burn him alive?Make him a human doll?Maybe get his scalp th-

"Oi Psycho!What's with the sadistic grin?Are you planning for my funeral now?That's creepy!"Killua suddenly snapped me out of it.Lost in my sick thought I didn't even know that a sadistic grin formed in my face.Oops my sadistic side is showing again.

I gave him a psychotic grin and said

"Trust me.After I'm done with you,you won't even have a funeral.I'll erase your whole existence"

I swear I saw him shiver at that

"Stop it Kaien"Dad finally said then I shut up.

"Don't worry Kaien.He is your fiancé but that doesn't mean you have to marry him."He said

"Dad,you're confusing me"I said in a stoic manner

"What Alistar saying is,this isn't a force marriage.Here read this.Your dad suggest it"Silva said and gave a piece of paper to me

I looked at the paper at read it

1.The marriage will be after their 18th birthday
2.If one of them doesn't have feelings for the other.No marriage will happen
3.Even if no marriage happens,the peace treaty will not be broken

I smirked while reading them.Dad your so smart.It's a win win situation for all of us.

"Fine,I'll be his fiancée"I said then threw the paper to Killua for him to read it.

"Good then wear this ring.Kikyo"Silva said then Kikyo Zoldyck went toward me holding a small box

Kikyo"Silva said then Kikyo Zoldyck went toward me holding a small box

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

Zoldyck Engagement Ring .I don't
own the image.

She passed the small box to me and said

"This is the Zoldyck Engagement ring.It was passed down for centuries.Take a good care of it."

I opened the box and look at the ring.I would be lying if I say that it was ugly.In fact it was very beautiful.

"Tch.Whatever.I'll be going now don't follow me"Killua finally said something then walked out of the room.

"Tch.Brat"I muttered in my breath

"Kil!!!Get back here!Milluki help me stopped your brother!!"Kikyo screeched then run to follow Killua with Piggy.

After a minute of silence.

"Ah~that woman can screech"Zero suddenly said

I sighed,got out of my dad's lap and sat between him and Zero

"Agreed"I said

"I'm really sorry about her...high pitch tone."Zeno said while shaking his head in shame

"It's alright.It's normal to woman to screech like that sometimes"Mom said

"She does it everytime"Silva answered  back

"I pity you then"Mom retorted

"Anyway....why don't we eat then....Gotoh prepare the food now"Silva said then we all stand up and went to the dinning room.


As we all eat in silence,Kikyo and Milluki barged in the room not really surprising us but what really surprise us was their appearance.

Milluki was stabbed in the side with pained and angry look on his face while Kikyo have a bloody face and she was crying too!!

"My little boy is growing up!Look what he did to Milluki and I!I'm so proud of him!!Kil is finally growing up!!"She suddenly exclaimed.Are those tears of joy?!

We(The Xolflares) gave her a disgusted look with the same thought in our minds.

What a terrible and sick mother.

The butlers and maid immediately aid them.They bandaged them and sat them with us.

"Illumi!!Our precious Kil will enter the Hunter Exam.Enter it and watch him too for your mother!!"She ordered  him

"Yes mother"He said emotionlessly

"Kaien enter it too.It's time for you to have your own Hunter License"Dad said to me

"Yes Dad.Emil and I were bored anyway"I said in stoic manner 


That Old Fool better make this exam more challenging or at least make it entertaining to us.

My Rival Yesterday,My Fiancé Today?!(HunterxHunter Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt