Chapter 3

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I don't own the images

Kaien's POV

It's was 2 in the evening (2:00 pm) when I got bored home and decided to wonder around Hakumen with Emil hidden in my as usual.I wore a black hooded cape for 2 reasons:because it's cold and to keep my identity hidden.

Wearing something like this was pretty normal here because it's always snowing and the sun only show up thrice a year if we're lucky

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Wearing something like this was pretty normal here because it's always snowing and the sun only show up thrice a year if we're lucky.The air was cold but the people didn't even shiver because their used to it.

I pulled my hood more making sure it hides my red eyes and continue walking in hope of finding something interesting.

I sighed in boredom for the fifth time.I looked at the sky and I saw something that caught my eye.

I saw something flying in the sky....a dragon?!.It seems it was familiar through....That dragon belongs to the Zoldycks...That means!!

I squinted my eyes and I saw my suspicion was correct.The one whose riding that dragon were Silva and Zeno Zoldyck!!And it looks like they're heading straight to the estate too.

I immediately sprinted back to the estate and see what business do they have here

Just what the hell are they doing here?!

3rd POV

Silva and Zeno landed in front of the back door of the Xolflare estate

"Welcome Silva-sama,Zeno-sama.The Master is waiting for you in his office"the gatekeeper greeted them

Zeno nodded at him while Silva ignored him and stared at the door

Without word,he roughly pushed the door with much force as it opened slowly and they enter.

They went up the stairs until they reach the Roz Maze.They stared at the maze as they immediately detected a familiar aura in it.

'So you still love this kind of game huh....Fine I'll play your game'Silva thought as they entered the maze.

In the highest tower of the mansion,Alistar Xolflare sat on his chair in his office while he stare at his masterpiece:The Roz Maze through the big window.

In the highest tower of the mansion,Alistar Xolflare sat on his chair in his office while he stare at his masterpiece:The Roz Maze through the big window

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My Rival Yesterday,My Fiancé Today?!(HunterxHunter Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt