Wouldn't She? (Cry's POV)

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I walked out of the store in a state of extreme confusion. What just happened?

As I started down the sidewalk, I noticed some girls staring at me... fangirls don't stare at me like I was talking to a dead raccoon (Paranorman reference? No? Okay *goes back to story*).

Okay. I thought uncomfortably, quickening my pace towards my house.

Before I could walk into my driveway, somebody grabbed my wrist. I whipped around, expecting a fight, but was somewhat surprised to meet one of the girls who were staring at me.

"What were you doing?" She asked bluntly, leaving me confused.

"E-Excuse me?"

The girl rolled her eyes with a "tch". "What were you doing at that flower place so late? Nobody, and I mean NOBODY here goes to a flower shop at ten p.m."

I furrowed my eyebrows from behind my mask. "I was talking to my friend, THANK YOU VERY MUCH."

The girl raised a skeptical eyebrow at first, then, as if realization had hit her, she started to laugh hysterically. I don't mean some laugh, this is like "I'M DYING OF LAUGHTER" snorting getting spit everywhere kinda laugh (ew Cry).

"You mean *gasp* you're friends with that crippled loner at Flower Palace who can't go through a single sentence without stuttering? PUH-LEASE! The only friends that she has are her stupid flowers who talk less than she does." She started laughing again, her friends chortling from behind.

I felt my blood boil with anger. It was taking a WHOLE lot of willpower trying not to smack this bitch.


The girl looked shocked at my sudden outburst, but her face then twisted into a mischievous smirk.

"You don't know? Wow, you'd think friends would tell each other all of their secrets. Maybe she doesn't trust you," She eyed me with cold icy eyes, "Watch how she walks and you'll see." And with that, she turned around, her hair flipping, and sashayed down the sidewalk with her posse.

I was pissed. But what she said was somewhat true. Wouldn't (y/n) tell me if she was crippled? I'll have to have a talk with her tomorrow but for now I best call it a day.

I turned on my heel and walked up my driveway and entered my house.

*timeskip brought to you by dead raccoon whispering*

After I had done everything I could, I hopped in bed and thought over what that girl had said.

Wow, you'd think that friends would tell each other all of their secrets.

I shook my head.(Y/n) would definitely tell me if there was anything wrong..... wouldn't she?

Of course she would! She knows I'd be there for her! I'm her friend.

I sighed. No wonder (Y/n) doesn't like to talk to people much. I emitted a small smile before turning off the light and drifting off into a peaceful sleep.

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