The Last Update

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Hey, guys. I'm just gonna get this off my chest.

I'm going off of Wattpad..... for a while.

Though I am extremely reluctant, it's for the best. You see, friends, Wattpad has been eating up my storage like you have no idea.

I wish it didn't have to end like this and I love you all dearly. I'm sorry if any of you are angry at me.

To tell the truth. If I don't get off of Wattpad, then I'll probably have to be cut off anyways because of the low storage (I do this on my phone).

I'm going to miss you all and I hope you keep reading some of my books though I'll be gone.

Again, I am so so sorry.

Stay awesome, Beloved Red Pandas, and for the very last time...... Rusty Red Panda


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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