Can't Jump

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You yawned as you gently rubbed the shop counter.
You had barely slept last night because your strange neighbor... erm.... Cry, was screaming and cursing about something. It didn't help that you were ten minutes late for work and you had to rush with your crippled leg and your hazy mind.
You sighed and rubbed your eye sleepily, stifling another yawn.
The bell to the store chimed happily, announcing the arrival of a customer.
"W-Welcome to Flower Palace, how are you, today?" You gave a drowsy smile and a light wave of your hand.
The young woman who had come gave you a look that was either confused or sympathetic, but she just told you that she was good and went on their merry way around the gardening store.
Many hours passed by, you asking if anyone needed any help and them saying no, or you just sweeping up a mess that someone made (without apologizing).
It was getting a bit late, so you decided to close the shop for now until you heard the bell ring.
'Who on earth would be at a gardening shop this late?' You pondered, looking up from where you were cleaning. Your eyes widened with surprise.
It was Cry! Walking in as if he was a child at a carnival. His gaze met mine and he froze a bit.
"Hi there, friend!" He exclaimed, waving his hand frantically as if to get my attention, even though we were the only people there.
"O-Oh... hi." I grinned. I don't know why, but I was happy to see the masked man, though he was the reason for my drowsiness. You sighed and started sweeping the soil off of the floor.
"W-Well, Welcome to Flower Palace, how may I be of assistance to you?" You asked in a mannerly fashion.
Cry chuckled a bit. "Maybe you're the one who needs help."
He pointed at the floor where you were sweeping and you felt your face burn up with embarrassment. The wooden floor was covered in scratch marks from were you had been scraping the broom on the floor so much.
Cry took the broom from your hand and started to sweep the remainder of the dirt.
"Y-You don't have to!" You protested, reaching for the broom, only to have Cry hold just above your grasp.
"You'll have to come get it!" He laughed childishly.
Your heart sank. You would have to jump for it. Gosh dangit. If you jumped, you fall and probably damage your bad leg. Oh, why did it have to be this way?!
"I can't." You said flatly, staring at your feet.
Cry "looked" at you, confusion radiating from him. "You... can't?"
"N-No." You started to fidget
"It's easy, you just ju-"
"I-I can't jump, Cry." You blurted out, only for you to hit realization and smack a hand over your mouth, eyes wide. You turned into a flushed mess of tiredness and embarrassment.
Cry stopped you by gently settling a hand on your shoulder. Tingles shot through your spine at the gesture.
"What do you mean, you can't jump, (Y/n) friend? Are you hurt? You can just tell me."
You looked up at Cry's mask. You felt a swarm of emotions coming off of him. Worry, fear, sorrow. All not positive emotions. You trembled under his gaze. He was a little too close for comfort.
You would have just told him right then and there that you were crippled and you would have told him everything that happened... if it wasn't for fear.
Fear held you back from everything. Meeting new people, walking down the block.... or just living a normal life in general. You were afraid that if you trusted someone, they would just turn their back on you in the end. You were afraid that you would be met with the scenario you had to face all those years ago. You were afraid that you would lose your only, and possibly true, friend.... Cry. You felt as if fear was keeping you captive, never to let you go. You were afraid to tell him.
You snapped back into reality and jerked your shoulder out of his hold.
"I-It's getting late.... I should be going home." You say monotonously before taking small steps out of the store, leaving behind a confused and worried Cry.
Hey, guys! I really hoped you liked the story so far! Cry is getting closer and closer to unravelling your secret.... well.... stay tuned, and stay awesome! ~

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