Chapter 3: I mean come on, I could grate cheese on that jawline of his.

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One fact about me: I'm a heavy sleeper.

There could be a zombie apocalypse or world war three happening outside on my street and I wouldn't hear a thing. If someone asked me what I liked better, food or sleep, I would genuinely be appalled. That's so much worse than asking a parent who their favourite child is. I treasure my sleep as much as my own life.

Probably even more.

So imagine how I felt when I got woken up by Aiden the next morning with a glass of freezing cold water being thrown on my face. I sat up within two seconds, gasping for breath and coughing like I was going to die. I turned my now soaked head and gave him the biggest glare I could.

"AIDEN RAY ELLSWORTH YOU ARE SO DEAD!" I lunged forward trying to grab him but the stupid waffle head ran out of my room like lightening whilst laughing like a hyena.

I guess working out and being a football player had its perks. My failed attempt resulted in me grabbing nothing but thin air which made me fall sideways, landing on my carpeted floor. The next thing I knew I was staring up at my white ceiling with one of my pyjama clad legs in the air stuck inside my comforter.

Imagine if Nixon saw me in this position. I could just hear his laugh already. And his stupid smug face. Followed by his stupid smirk. After yesterday's detention, I was left as officially the most confused person in the world.

I mean, he threatened me for accidentally bumping into him and yesterday he was flirting and teasing with me.

Well I wouldn't exactly call it flirting. I knew he was making fun out of me for a reaction. Like the way he said I was pretty and then laughed at my face. I was super grateful that Mr Midgely came back before anything else could have happened. How's a girl supposed to not react?! Just his presence makes my everything freeze. And he knows my name for the love of cheese sticks! I'm scared to find out how he knew. Did he ask around about me?

After hearing all the rumours about him, I'm pretty sure that he has multiple people spying on my every movement. I just hoped that he didn't know who I was related to.

"Mar, what the hell are you doing on the floor?" I turned to see a snickering Aiden at my door.

"You. Are. Dead." I threatened him but didn't move an inch from my position.

Lazy girl problems.

"I would love to see you try Mara, but this is what you get for not listening to me. Plus I won't be home as much for the next couple months or so," Now I was confused.

"What? Why?"

"Aren't you forgetting about my football try outs programme?" Aiden smirked.

I nodded sullenly in defeat. I forgot all about that. He was going to the local university for a programme to see if he qualified for a scholarship. Meaning, he wouldn't be at school and would only be at home for the weekends. Not that it would make a difference. Aiden was out most of the time, unless Dad instructed him to stay home.

"Mar, what the hell are you doing on the floor?" Now it was Jacob, my oldest brother's turn to join in. He looked amused and so I made a 'hmph' sound.

Jake was similar to Aiden when he was at high school. He also was at the top of the social ladder, the difference being that he wasn't a jock but a 'hot nerd' as I've heard from other people. Jake didn't also go through a dark phase and get himself a tattoo. He was a lover of parties though, much like Aiden. I've lost count on the number of house parties that have been thrown under our roof over the years. Apparently the Ellsworth boys knew how to throw a good one.

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