Chapter 10: 'wait... so does that mean you're a lesbian?'

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If there's one question I hate, it's 'Are you an introvert or an extrovert?'

Don't get me wrong, 'what's your favourite colour?' and 'wait... so does that mean you're a lesbian?' are pretty high contenders too but the first one I really hate. It's not even the question that bugs me really, it's the answering part.

And I guarantee that one hundred per cent of the time it'll be an extrovert who's doing the asking.

I believe us introverts are simply misunderstood and judged as people just because the majority of the population are indeed extroverts. It's really not fair because being an introvert really does have its problems. I mean, do you ever wish that just staring pointedly at other people was enough to make them become friends with you? Because I sure do.

Or how about inviting someone you know to sit down with you but then immediately regretting it after you realise that you have make conversation for the next hour? Now ask yourself, would an extrovert really understand that?

Of course not.

But I guess it works both ways. I don't think I'll ever understand how extroverts work either.

Which is why I find myself staring (some would say glaring) at Stacey and Co. The way she was sat with her legs crossed and the way her blonde curls bounced whenever she moved, oozed with sheer confidence. If I was going to envy her over anything it would be that. Or maybe her dress sense. She literally looked like a model from the Ralph Lauren catalogue with her tweed blazer and French neck scarf.

"Could you be any more obvious?"

"No," Not moving my gaze I replied curtly to Izzy.

"Look we get it, you're mad. But giving her glares across the cafeteria isn't going to help. If anything it'll make things worse because if anyone catches on she'll come after you,"

"Let her,"

"Alright that's it, where's our best friend and what have you done with her? This isn't you Mara and you know it. I'm pretty sure that whatever she and Nixon were-"

"Hey! What did I say? It's he who must not be named," Interrupting Kayla I finally moved my gaze away and towards my best friends who looked slightly wary. "Look guys I'm sorry but don't you think it's weird?! I mean straight after their conversation he who must not be named is nowhere to be seen. I haven't seen him anywhere this whole week. And no texts no nothing. Not that I care,"

"Yeah please," Kayla scoffed and Izzy was trying hard to fight a smile. Who was I kidding? Even I knew I didn't mean that, of course I cared. It was all just so frustrating and confusing with the disappearing acts.

"You're in a really tough position but personally I think you did the right thing. After everything that's happened in such a short amount of time it can be overwhelming you know? I think you could do better, you deserve a good guy. One who doesn't disappear on you and has secrets," Izzy reached out and put her hand on top of mine for comfort which made me smile warmly.

"Yeah me too, but part of me is angry at you Mar! You care too much about what your brother would think. He's not your dad and I'm pretty sure he'd want you to be happy. Like seriously, does he expect you to be the forty-year-old virgin? You're way too hot to be the forty-year-old virgin!"

"Yes exactly! I agree with Kay,"

Ignoring the last part I retorted by changing the topic. "I've seen Ethan around,"

"You did? You never told us,"

"Not properly, just a few times alone in the hall this week. The first time we saw each other he tried to approach me but I stopped him and turned around. I was so not ready to talk, plus it would have been awkward. Sorry I didn't tell you guys I didn't think you'd care,"

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