Chapter 5: My subconscious really needed to shut the fudge up.

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I thought I was dreaming.

She was beautiful with her long toned legs, smooth golden skin and wavy black hair which glistened in the sunlight. This girl should be modelling for Vogue, not setting off a car race. She even walked like a model in those heels of hers.

I slyly took a glance at Nixon who seemed to be unfazed by her presence outside, it was like he didn't even notice her. I felt a hint of relief wash over me. Wait what? I don't care if he looked at her or not so why was I feeling relieved?

"Ready!" I could barely hear her over the roar of Nixon's engine. I could never get used to the goosebumps it gave me.

"Set!" Oh my fruit juice. I'm about to be in a car race. With Nixon Ford! I didn't realise that my leg was bouncing up and down. I was officially scared for my life. What did I get myself int-


My thoughts were interrupted as my whole body was flung roughly backwards against the leather seat. I audibly gasped and clutched the seat tightly with my hands on either side. Nixon shot off with so much aggression and speed, it was exhilarating. Like the feeling you get in your stomach whilst on a roller coaster. I couldn't help the meek smile which made its way onto my face.

Did I mention that I love roller coasters?

The roar of the engine was deafening. With Nixon's rapid gear changes, the noises I heard were like music to my ears. I couldn't help but look at the speed meter to see the dial was at one hundred and rising. I looked out the window to see that the green Nissan was an inch or two ahead of us. Oh hell no! Before I realised what I was doing I found myself shouting at Nixon whilst keeping my eyes focused on the other guy's car.

"Faster! Go faster!" Oh crud. Mentally slapping myself I reluctantly whirled my head around expecting to see an angry Nixon, but instead he had an amused expression on his face staring straight ahead. If it was even possible, Nixon went faster causing a big jolt that sent my ear to hit the side of the window. Ouch. Whilst I was attempting to rub the pain away from it, I heard loud cheering. The car stopped. We were swarmed by a massive group of people.

We won.

Well technically, Nixon won.

Pain forgotten, I turned to grin at Nixon who unsurprisingly had the biggest smirk on his face. Probably the largest one yet. He then turned to get out of the car, so I followed suit. God it felt good to stand up. My legs felt like jelly but in a thrilling way. I almost had the urge to do it again.

I awkwardly stood by the passenger door and noticed that some people from the crowd looked at me with either confused or surprised expressions.

So instead I focused on Nixon who was being greeted with the handshake and hug thing that guys do. It was with someone who looked around our age. He had a lit cigarette in his mouth and he seemed familiar. He was well built with clearly defined muscles but was just a little shorter than Nixon. His messy light brown hair covered most of his forehead and was accompanied with what looked like greeny blue eyes. His grin showed off a little dimple. This guy was very handsome.

But not as handsome as Nixon.

My subconscious really needed to shut the fudge up.

Both boys were talking amicably and laughing. I swear I even saw Nixon smile once. Whoever this guy was, they seemed close, clearly someone who knew Nixon well. The crowd of people were still loud, everybody talking excitedly and admiring the car. I mean who wouldn't?

The man from earlier, Joe I think, then approached Nixon. He handed him something in his hand, whispering something in his ear but I couldn't see what he gave. Nixon returned a nod and then Joe left. Well that was weird. I wonder what that was about...

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