Chapter Ten

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For the last few days, I'd been waiting for Niall everyday at his college, and then we'd just walk peacefully, hands entwined, talking about anything and everything, or sometimes just with a comfortable silence.

It felt so good to talk to Niall, so natural. And I couldn't stop smiling, ever since the day he had told me he has feelings for me. And that it's okay to have those feelings.

I decided to meet Niall after his classes yet again, but he was with his raven haired friend today. I think his name was Zayn. I walked towards the lads, who hadn't noticed me yet.

"Hey, Niall," I greeted. Niall turned back to look at me and beamed. But before he could say anything, his friend jumped in.

"Nice to meet ya again, Louis! Do you have any idea how much you have my friend whipped?" he jibed, snickering. I laughed, while Niall brushed, reaching out to smack Zayn but he had dodged the attack.

"Nice to meet you too," I offered politely, still laughing, mostly at Niall's embarrassment. Zayn really is a character.

"Yo, there's your target," Niall addressed Zayn, jerking his head in the direction of a curly haired boy who was approaching us.

Zayn made a weird squeaking sound of surprise, and started smoothing down his shirt. I looked over at Niall for an explanation, who just smirked.

"Hey, Zayn," the boy smiled sweetly.

"H-hi Harry," Zayn stammered.

"Did you write down the notes in Biology? My mind was... elsewhere today," Harry smirked.

"Y-yeah, I have them," Zayn breathed.

"Cool. Swing by the library wiith yours so I can jot them down, yeah?" And then he walked away. Zayn turned back to us with a wide grin and practically flew towards what I supposed was the library.

"Who was that?" I laughed.

"That was Zayn's ultimate crush, who he occassionally stalks," Niall told me.

"Stalks?" I gasped.

Niall chuckled. "He has a wee crush on the poor lad. And Zayn's too chicken shit to man up and ask Harry about the night they kissed."

"Oh," I replied, and didn't ask further.

 We were now walking to my apartment for the study session.

"Wait," Niall pulled at my hand. "Can we go somewhere else today? I don't want to study." And then he threw in the puppy god eyes for good measure.

"Ugh, fine! Where do you want to go?" I gave in. Niall grinned. "Where else do we even go? To the treehouse!" Niall crowed, and started dragging me in the direction of the docks.

"You know, I told Zayn about us," Niall commented randomly.

"I gathered. What'd he say though?"

Niall rolled his eyes. "Just told me, 'I told you so!'"

"He told you what?" I questioned, amused.

Niall blushed. "Er, that we'll get together."

"Oh? So are we together now?" I asked, a bit in awe. I know, we had hugged and kissed a few times, and admitted we have feelings for each other, but are we together now?

"Of course we are!" Niall huffed. "And I didn't actually ask you 'til now, yeah?" I nodded, smiling lightly.

"Okay then. Kitty Lou, will you be my aborable kitty boyfriend?" Niall asked cheekily, his blue eyes shining.

I leaned forward and pecked him on those pink lips of his. "I'd love to, Nialler."

Niall grinned aborably. "Woo! I've got a boyfriend now! And a totally cool one at that! Wait 'til my Mum meets ya, Lou!"

I froze at that. Meet his family, as Niall's boyfriend? Will they even like me? What if their not as accepting as Niall is?

Niall noticed me tensing, and squeezed my hand comfortingly. "Don't worry, Lou. My family is chill. And I've already told them so much about you, they'd love to meet you!"

"Really? Y-you have?" I asked, awed.

Niall nodded fervently. "'Course. Mum wanted to know who was responsible for making me so happy," he grinned and pulled me in for a quick kiss.

"It feels good to do that," he murmured when we pulled away, and I blushed.

We reached the docks, and taking the usual boat, rode to the secluded island that I was growing to love. We hopped off the boat and climbed the treehouse, sitting at the edge, our legs, dangling, fingers entwined.

"So, looks like I've a job now, tutoring you," I commented randomly.

"Yeah, I guess," Niall chuckled lightly.

"But you know, I'd really love a real job. At a real school. I always wanted a teacher's job. To help others learn and everything," I told Niall, who was listening attentively.

"You said you wanted to be a drama teacher, yeah?" Niall asked, instantly jumping up in excitement.

"Whoa, Nialler. Calm down! And yeah, I did."

Niall just kept grinning excitedly, and I raised an eyebrow. "What're you thinking, Blondie?"

Niall shrugged, still smiling, sitting back down. "I've got an idea," he told me, all secretive, giving me a sideways smirk.

"Is it good or bad?" I questioned warily. Niall leaned towards me, and cupping my face, kissed me gently, leaving me breathless.

"It's a surprise for you, I guess. And believe me, you'll love it," Niall grinned mischievously. Okay, now I'm curious.


I wrote this in a wee bit of a hurry so... yeah. Ignore the mistakes and shortness, pretty please?

AND NO PERVERTED THOUGHTS! B-but, Nialler a surprise for Loueh! *o*

**Next update after 36 votes, 9 comments and 180 reads**

Preview of the next chapter: Niall's surprise, duh! :D

~bemycupcake <3

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