Chapter Fifteen

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Today, I decided to take my adorable boyfriend on a date, to celebrate him getting the job as Mullingar College's Drama teacher. Of course, we all knew that the job was already Louis', but still, this milestone was worth celebrating.

And also, 'cos honestly, we hardly get any time alone 'cos of college. And we couldn't be together during college hours, which sucked.

I had borrowed my dad's car, and he had willingly gave it to me. And I was still shocked over that. But eh, I didn't question his reasons.

I pulled over in front of Louis' apartment complex, honking the horn three times, and texting Louis. Minutes later, he came running out of the building, panting.

"You're not late?" I asked, amused, as he got into the car.

"Yeah, I know. I was just in a hurry to see you," he answered cheekily, leaning over and pressing his lips onto mine in a sweet kiss.

"Where are we going?" Louis asked, pulling back and looking around in my dad's car. "Nice car by the way."

I chuckled, looking sideways at Louis, who was dressed cutely in a knitted jumper and red pants. "I'm not telling you as it's a surprise, and thanks."


"How much longer?" Louis whined playfully, and I rolled my eyes. We had been driving for only half an hour so far, and yes, I planned to take Louis somewhere far, where we would have lesser chances of running into people from college.

"We're here." Minutes later, I told Louis with a smile, who grinned happily, looking out towards the building.

"So Louis? Have you ever been bowling?"


"Whoa, it's heavy!"

"It's supposed to be, so that it can knock those pins over there."

"Oh! I get it."

"Yeah, so you just hold the ball like this, infront of you," I instructed Louis, placing my chin on his shoulder and placing his arms correctly by using my own as demonstration. You know, in the classic cliche bowling date way?

Louis gave me a sideways grin. "I think I guite like bowling," he commented cheekily and I rolled my eyes, kissing his cheek.

"Alright, you're all set," I stepped back. "Now just-"

"Wait! Where do I hold it? Like, I just throw it...?" Louis frowned cutely, staring at the black ball in his outstretched hands.

"You, uh. You put your fingers in the holes," I blushed, and Louis guffawed.

"That sounded so dirty!" he gasped out, while I blushed deeper.

"Well, looks like you're not as innocent as I thought," I muttered.

"Having fun, ladies?" Zayn sauntered over to us, in his uniform.

"Oh yes," Louis smirked, then threw the ball, hitting a perfect strike, leaving us both gaping in surprise.


"I win!" Louis cheered, doing a weird victory dance, which involved wiggling that sexy bum of his. Dear God, did he have a nice ass.

"Yeah, yeah whatever! Now let's go eat, I'm starving!" I pouted. I can't believe I got beaten by a noob!

Louis stuck his tongue out, adjusting his green beanie. "When are you not hungry?" He shrugged. "But eh, let's go. 'Cause you're paying!"

I snorted, but couldn't help but smile.


We drove back home, and as it wasn't that late, we decided to walk to the Old Bridge, as it looked spectacular at night.

We were just strolling back and forth on the old rickety bridge, the wood creaking underneath our feet, our warm hands entwined, a peaceful silence between us.

A while later, Louis broke it. "Thanks so much, Nialler."

I looked at the side of Louis' face. "What for?"

"Everything. Being with me, making me feel special, different in a good way, making my dream of teaching come true, being your amazing self, and just... everything."

I bit my bottom at the onslaught of emotions that Louis' words had brought on me, and I squeezed his hand.

"My pleasure, Kitty Lou. Thanks for being you, being my special someone, like you said so. Making me happy, and just... everything," I smiled at him.

"I love you," Louis murmured shyly.

"I love you too," I said back, taking both of Louis' hands in mine, and leaning my forehead against his.

"This bridge is really special for us, isn't it?" Louis remarked.

I laughed lightly. "Guess so. We always used to meet up here, dunno why."

"And that's why I love this damn bridge," Louis grinned, then leaned in, joining our lips together.



The gif on the side is so cute, gah! *nouis kisses muah muah* >>>

**Next update after 44 votes, 8 comments and 200 reads.**

Preview of the next chapter: Something happens during Nouis' tutoring session. (nothing like 'that' something, you pervs! :P)

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