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I walked in the bar, everyone in there was tough biker gang members, then there was me with my bright red hair, black skinny jeans, and my old worn tank top. I sat down and ordered a beer, I was so stressed, tired, and depressed. Time passed as I sat there and ran my fingers over the edge of the glass when a gorgeous girl sat next to me, her long teal hair touching the top of her hips & when she reached for her drink I saw the logos of Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy & My Chemical Romance all tattooed across the back of her hand. She put her hair behind her ear and glanced over at me and I noticed I was starring, I bit my lip and looked down wondering if she noticed. Two guys came over and challenged me to fight, I just sat there as they made fun of me, the girl next to me stood up and dumped her drink on one after punching the other starting a huge bar fight. "Come on we gotta get outta here!" she yelled grabbing my hand and running out into the pouring rain "Did you drive here?" I nodded my head "Where is your car?" I ran to my convertible and we were off. "Who are you?" I asked looking at her the rain beading up in her hair "I'm Rey, and your Gerard." I smiled "Yeah, where are we going?" I looked around "Actually, where the hell are we?" she smiled "We're in the North East corner of New Mexico and we're heading to god knows where. Unless you wanna go somewhere." she replied with a fiery glow in her green eyes. "I don't care, road trip!" she stepped on the gas and tossed me her phone "Turn on my music and plug it in the aux cord." I pressed shuffle on her music and Na Na Na started to play, I turned it up all the way and we started to sing. I felt so free driving through the rain with the top still down. We talked and got to know each other "I didn't realize it was you till we were in the car." she giggled. It had been hours and she pulled over at a cheap motel. We got a room and I laid down "Your a cool guy Gerard." she said drying her hair I smiled "Well, Rey, I really like you."

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