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Later that night Rey and I fell asleep with Thor in between us, the next morning we didn't get up till the sunny, hot afternoon. Instead of going out and doing something we stayed inside. Rey looked at me her eyebrows raised "I've told you everything about me except for one thing, not really important but I have depression." I nodded understanding able to relate "I still love you, just tell me if I need to help or talk to you for any reason." she softly kissed me smiling. "I'm going to look for some side jobs to do." I nodded, we could live off just my royalties but it's better if we work. We  watched Criminal Minds & played Call of Duty all day, excluded from the world except for snapchat & other social media. "Babe lets go out for a night on the town." I said trying to look suave, she closed her blanket around her face dropping the controller "Humans, light, nooooooo." she curled up into a ball and laid on her side I rested on the back of the couch "I'll let you wear all of my jackets for the rest of our lives together." she popped up "Okay, and by the way we now share all of your jackets." I really didn't care, she was happy. She opened our huge walk in closet and looked at my side, all the sudden her eyes widened and lit up, her jaw dropping as she reached for one of the jackets, she stuttered "Oh my god." I watched her examine the jacket, then she reached for another doing the same to it. She barely stuttered out "Party Poison, black parade, you still have the jackets." I nodded, she went past me and dug through her drawers then walked back in the closet pulling out boots, pale blue jeans, a black belt, and plain black tank top. She didn't respond to anything I said as if she was in another world, she got dressed and put on the mask and dusting off the gun she grabbed out of her jewelry drawer. She looked in the mirror and began "Look alive sunshine, 109 in the sky but the pigs won't quit, your here with me Doctor Death Defy, I'll be you surgeon, your Procter, your helicopter, bumping out the slaughtamatic sounds to keep you live, a system failure for the masses, empty matter from the master plan, louder than gods revolver and twice as shiny, this ones for all you crash queens and motor babies, listen up, the future is bulletproof, the after math is secondary, it's time to do it now and do it loud, Killjoys make some noise." she pointed her perfect replica gun at me, a smirk on her face. I walked over and lifted up her mask "My little Killjoy." she kissed my lips "Party Poison, my sweet, sweet, poison." I smiled "Can you take a photo?" I nodded and grabbed her phone off her vanity, she was like a model. She looked at me "Get dressed, I'm going out like this and I'm going to play Na Na Na and make some fans really happy. And next time I'm going to go out in my black parade gear." I decided it's best not to question her because she is & was a huge fan and knows what they want and like. It was a hot night so I put on shorts and a simple tee shirt, Rey looked at me and rolled her eyes "Those shorts are too short." she walked out of the closet slapping my butt. When we left the house at first we got some weird looks but lots of teens took photos with her & I, mostly separate because they didn't realize I was Gerard freaking Way. At one point she took a photo with two British guys who had other people wanting to take photos with them too, a lot of the kids would take a photo with them then me & Rey. After a few hours we went home and Rey got undressed and fell asleep on the couch Bobs Burgers playing on Netflix, I kissed her cheek and went to bed.

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