Don't you ever just want to cry?
But you never can because people are around
To cry about the little things, the big things, and everything in between
Because everything around you is slowly falling apart
You just want to sit there and wait for it all to pass
But you also don't want to miss out on anything
So you're stuck in this state
that you don't want to be in
You're so quiet that people ask you if you're okay
You just say "I'm tired"
But you know that you're not
All you want to be is silent and to have a pillow to hug
Or even better a true friend that you can stay silent with
Just being together
Not saying a word
But you still know what the other one is thinking.
To know when you need that hug to keep you sane.
Some one to spill your deepest thoughts and secrets to
Some one you can just sit in a room and be silent with
Silence can help us all once in awhile.
It feels as though silence can
Heal the soul or
tear those rip into even larger ones that need to be mended
I don't want my soul to have too many rips or
I just might break into those uneven shredded pieces,
That fall right on the floor
That is when there is no hope left
But I still have those tiny flecks of hope still inside me
Maybe they can all come together to give me a solid piece of hope that can grow like weeds to all the darkest depths of my mind
Then maybe, just maybe
I won't need a silent friend to sit silently with.
PoetryPoems about society/my opinions of society today. Also some personal poems that I've been writing. Lmao I wrote these in middle school. Warning they are VERY cringe.