Snivy's Backstory

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(20 years ago) Snivy P.O.V

I was playing hide and seek with my twin brother Chespin and he was hiding and he is really good at hiding so it would take me a while to find him and my mother(who is a serperior)was talking to some random pansage. While I was looking for Chespin I heard some cries of help so I ran towards it and I found a riolu stuck under a rock yelling for help so I ran toward him

"Hey, do you need help!"I yelled

"Yes please!"He begged

I used my vines to lift the heavy boulder off him

"Thank you"

When he got up he made small glare toward my village.

"Is that your village?" He asked

He pointed towards my village.

"Yeah Leaf Village why?"I questioned

"No reason thanks for the help"He thanked

He ran off after he said that and I went back to looking for Chespin(you forgot about him didn't you).

A bit after I found Chespin(That was important information)I went inside my home to read a book about an exploration company called The Society then I heard a loud explosion that scared me out of my skin or fur whatever I looked out my window to see a house on fire. My mom rushed into my room to see if I was alright(she already checked on Chespin)

"Snivy are you alright!?"Her asked frazzled.

"I-I'm fine what's going on!?"I stammered

"Our village is under attack now come with me and Chespin to the shelter!"She yelled.

I nodded and the three of us went down to the shelter in the basement we stayed down for a few hours and mom went to see if it calmed down and she hasn't come back down and we were starting to get scared.

"She hasn't come back down yet, "I say worried.

"I know," Chespin said also worried.

"Should we go up and see if she is alright?"I asked.

"Absolutely not if we go out there will die!" Chespin said half yelling.

"Ok then I'll go, "I say bravely

"WHAT NO!"My brother shouted

I ignored him and ran out of the shelter and went outside and what happened after that will forever haunt my memory. went I ran outside everything was on fire and I saw my mom fighting a riolu. That riolu looked familiar it was the same riolu that I helped. A lot of question swarmed my mind but my mom was losing the fight so I ran over to help but the Riolu pulled out a sword and sliced my mothers head off and her blood came out her neck I froze when this happened tears started pouring out my eyes.

"MOM!"I foolishly shouted

This caught the Riolu attention and he ran toward me while I was frozen with fear and impaled me with his sword. He kicked me down but before he could land the finishing blow a green ball of energy hit him causing him to fall over the last thing I saw before I blacked out was my brother running toward me when I passed out.

When I came to I realized I was in a cave I tried to sit up but my waist started to hurt my brother came to lay me back down.

"Don't try to sit up?" He said concerned which made me feel bad.

"C-Chespin" I uttered.

"Don't worry no one will find us here and I was able to patch you up"He assured me

"How long was I out," I ask quietly

"I don't know but you were out for a long while waiting for you to wake up was the worst moments of my life," He said sadly

"I-I'm so sorry I should have listened to you," I said almost crying

"I-Its alright Snivy just promise me you won't do that again," He said sadly.

"I promise, "I said

Chespin just nodded and looked away.

A lot of things were on my mind my mom just died I don't even know if my brother saw it and why did that riolu...thi-this is my fault if I didn't help that damn riolu none of this would be happening THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!

I started crying and Chespin came over to hug me.

"It's alright Snivy well get through this, "He said trying to calm me down.

"No Chespin this is all my fault" I cried

"W-What are you talking about"He stamped

"That Riolu(Sob) I if I didn't help lift that border off him this wouldn't be happening!"I yell still crying.

"Snivy no how could you have known this would have happened you were just trying to help someone, "I said trying to make me feel better.

"And me helping cause our home to be burnt down, "I said still crying.

"Snivy he would get that border off either way if you didn't help him it would have delayed the inevitable".

I say nothing

"Snivy Mom's death wasn't your fault it was that riolu's you shouldn't blame your self for her death," He said in a soothing manner.

"Thank you"Thanked him with tears instill in my eyes.

We were quiet after that we made some small talk but they didn't last long. After a while, an exploration team found us it was a male and a beheeyem. They delivered me to a Hospital. I was there for a couple of week Chespin dropped by to keep me company. While I was there I was informed that because of the big scar across my stomach I won't be able to evolve.

When I was let out Chespin told to be the people who attack our village was a clan called Ryuk and that Riolu was the leader of the clan and his name was Terimer and I swear to Arceus I will one get my revenge on the Ryuk Clan.

Yeah I edited this and I plan on doing the same with the other chapters so until then bye

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