Welcome to the Society

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Tepig P.O.V (7 days later)

I was woken up by a knock at my door I pulled my self together and went to open my I opened the door Snivy was on the other side and she was smiling.

"Hey Snivy,".I said feeling kind of uncomfortable

"Congratulations Tepig you made it,".Snivy cheered

"What are you talking about,".I say

"You were chosen to be in The Society,".Snivy said while handing me a letter

"Wait really,"! I shouted as I grabbed the letter and read said

"Congratulations Tepig you've been chosen to be a member of The Society and your job will start tomorrow but we want you to come here so you can be introuduced to the other members and show you your room(if you plan on living in The Society)."

"Oh sweet Arceus I actually got in"! I celebrated.

"Congrats dude and I don't mean to rush you but are you ready to go."She asked awkwardly

"Oh yeah just let me get my bag"I said while rushing to get my bag once I got it me and Snivy went to The Society.

We arrived at The Society and the building was really big not too surprising because some members live there(It was as big as a hotel).We walked in and there were a group of pokemon and in front of them was a ampharos and a mawile behind him.

"Now go out there and give it you all"The ampharos shouted

"Yes sir"The group of pokemon cheered before they scattered

We walked up to the ampharos and mawile and Snivy started"Hey boss and other one I brought him".The mawile made a small glare torward Snivy.

"Great now both of you come with us"The ampharos said in a cheery voice.

I nodded and I followed them up stairs though I did'nt know why Snivy was with us.Reached the 3rd floor and we went in to Ampharos's office.He went behind his desk while Mawile stood to the side.Ampharos pulled out a chest for his desk(Hey that rhymes)and handed it to me.

"This chest contains a exploration kit open it up"Ampharos said

I open up the chest and inside it was a map,badge,and a bag.

"T-Thank you"I say ready to explode with excitement.

"Not a problem now do you plan on staying here?"Ampharos asked

"Oh hm yes i-if its not a problem"I stuttered

"Its not we have a plenty of rooms left now Mawile here will take you to your room and at noon you'll be introduced to the other members"

"Yes sir"I said.

Snivy turnt to leave but Ampharos stopped her

"Snivy I wish to speak to you about something"He whispered badly

"Oh alright"She said sounding bored

Mawile lead me out and walked me to my new room

"This is where you'll be staying while your working with us"She said in a emotionless voice its kind creepy

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