The Attack/Auther

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Tepig P.O.V

Today is the day we attack the ryuk clan's,after what happened with Snivy I'm kind of worried what she would do.We arrived at the base the other members of the guild came with like Sunflora,Bidoof,Loudred,Chatot,and Wigglytuff also a Bulbasaur named Fang and Piplup named Spark.

"Were here how before we attack let me remind you do not kill anyone only restrain"Wigglytuff ordered

All of us excluding Snivy nodded she just looked down.

"Alright Attack!"Wigglytuff shouted.

All of us ran toward the base and pokemon came from all directions and attacked us.I used flame charge to blast through them.I rammed into a Breloom and sent him flying.I unleashed flamethrower on the Breloom and he fainted.I heard someone scream loudly when I turned to see who is was I saw Snivy slamming a sawk into a small hut.

I felt a sharp pain from my side that sent me to the ground.I quickly got up to see my attacker was a Hawlucha.I quickly used flame charge but before I could hit him he grabbed me and threw me back to the ground.Before he could attack again Mawile use iron head knocking him out.

"T-Thanks"I studder

"Don't thank me yet"She said pointing behind me.

I turned around to see a Pangoro. I used flamethrower on him but it looked like it barely did any damage. Mawile fist turn pink and she sent out a bunch of punches(Play Rough)which sent him quickly got up and used hammer arm is could hit me a vine wrapped around his arm pulling him back.Behide the Pangoro I see Snivy struggling to hold the pangoro back.I used flame charge and rammed into the pangoro knocking him down.

"Good job Hambro"Snivy praised.


While our guard was down the pangoro got back up and knock Snivy into Mawile and perpared to use dark pulse.I closed my eyes and waited for the impact...but never came.When I opened my eyes I saw a Riolu standing infront of me Pangoro started.

"Auther you've returned"

"Only to destroy this place"Auther states.

"Come back Auther with your help our goal will be completed much easier"The pangoro says.

"I want nothing but to destroy this damn clan!"He shout as he fires focus blast which nailed him the face causing him to fall got up and charged at him with hammer arm. Auther dodged jumping over him and used thunder punch on his head. Pangoro knocked him off and used fire punch.

Auther dodged and retaliated with force plam.The move paralyzed the pangoro and Auther finished him off with focus blast.

"W-Who are you?"I timidly.

"I'll tell you after we're finished"He said

I didn't say anything I just contined to round up the rest of the we finished and the Magnezones arrested the pokemon Snivy confroted Auther...Oh my.

"Alright Riolu who are you!"Snivy said violently.

"My name is Auther and I seek for the destruction of the Ryuk Clan"He Snivy did'nt believe him.

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