Chapter 10 - The Advantages Of Being Noah Miller

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"Jason stop playing with stuff. Your going to break it." I groaned.

"Well I'm bored what else do you want me to do?" Jason asked.

"Sit still!" I whisper yelled. He rolled his eyes and sat down in the swivel chair and started spinning. So after getting in trouble yesterday with Noah the principle called my parents and told them everything. Even the part of me having an asthma attack. My parents didn't seem that concerned about it but said she would make me a doctors appointment today. When I had my asthma under control they said I didn't need the inhaler. But now I need it. My parents were to busy with work like always to bring me to the doctor's so both Jason and I had to miss morning classes so he can bring me to the doctor.

"I think I'm going to puke." Jason said as he spun faster in the swivel chair.

"Well stop before the doctor comes in!" I whisper yelled. Right after I said that the door opened and the doctor came in. Jason stopped spinning and got up. He stumbled his way over to me and sat down.

"Good morning Skylar. I heard you are having trouble with your asthma again." Dr. Lee said. I nodded. "Do you think it has gotten worse or the same?"

"Its probably the same as before." I said quietly.

"Are you back into sports?" He asked. I shook my head no. After checking my breathing he said,

"I heard a little wezzing when in your lungs. I'm going to put you back on your inhaler. I hope that it will get better and we can still work on how you can control it too." I nodded. "I'll go get your prescription and you can go by the drug store to get it and I have a doctors note for you."

"Okay thank you." I said. He nodded and smiled then walked out.

"We came here just for that?" Jason asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. That's what doctor appointments are for." I said. He rolled his eyes. My phone in my pocket buzzed. I grabbed it and saw it was a text from Noah. My heart fluttered.

Noah: Hows the doctor's?

Me: Fine. I got my inhaler back.

Noah: Good. I got your work you missed this morning. I'll see you when you get here. (:

Me: Ok. Byee (:

"Who are you texting?" Jason asked as he played with the skeleton in the corner of the room.

"Noah." I said.

"Do you like him?" He asked.

"No. Why would you think that?" I asked.

"Your smiling like an idiot and you blushed. I'm not stupid. I know what it looks like when someone likes someone." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Think what you want Jason." I replied cooly.

"I don't think, I know." He smirked. "Lets sum up the past few weeks shall we? You snuck out the house to go see him. You have went to his football games. You went and watched movies at his house. You went to a party and spent the night at his house. You got in trouble with him because you two got into a mud fight. And I know you skipped school with him."

"How did you know I skipped school?!" I almost yelled.

"Trust me I have connections and I didn't tell your mom or dad so chill." He said. "But normal Skylar wouldn't do those things. You would probably be in your room doing nothing. But instead you are going out of your way to do things with him. Its obvious you have developed feelings for him." There's no point in denying it now. He already knows. Might as well as for help.

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