Chapter 17 - Sixteenth Birthday Pt. 2

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I flutter my eyes open and they meet beautiful green eyes. I blink a few times and realize those eyes belong to Noah. He studies my face for a few moments. My head started pounding and it felt like it was going to explode.

"You scared the crap out of me." Noah whispered.

"W-What happened?" I asked quietly.I was a little nervous about the answer. I mean there's no telling what happened.

"You had a panic attack. We were on the way to your house and the next thing I know you were screaming to the top of your lungs and then you passed out. Skylar you scared me." He explained. I gulped and processed his response. It wasn't the first time I had a panic attack. I use to get them all the time right after the wreak happened.

"I scared me too." I mumbled and looked down. He brought his hand up to my cheek and cupped it making me look up at him. My eyes once again met his. He brushed his thumb over my cheek.

"Its okay sweetheart. Everything is fine now." He whispered. His words calmed me. And the tone of his voice. It was soft but yet a little racpy at the same time sending chills down my spine.

"What time is it?" I asked changing the subject. I didn't want to think or talk about what happened anymore.

"About four thirty." He said after checking his phone. I sighed and closed my eyes. My head was really killing me. "Sleepy sweetheart?" Noah asked.

"Not really. But I have a headache." I mumbled. I opened my eyes lazily and looked at him.

"Lay on your back." Noah said.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Lay on your back." He repeated. I raised an eyebrow but did what he said. He suddenly rolled on top of me. My eyes widened and he chuckled. One of his legs were between my legs and one of mine were between his. He used his index and middle finger to massage my temples. "Better?" He asked.

"Y-Yea." I stammered. Holy crackers Noah Miller is laying on top of me helping my headache go away! I thought that his other actions made me feel like I was going to have a heart attack. Well now it feels like its going to explode. There's a thousand catapillers in my stomach becoming these huge butterflies and swarming around in my stomach. Noah is so close right now I can actually feel his abs through our shirts because his body was pressed to mine. If he didn't get off of me I was going to pass out. The speed of heart is crazy and its not healthy. I think I need to go to the doctor. This can't be good at all.

"You're really beautiful." He whispered. I couldn't respond. My heart was beating to fast. My cheeks started heating up. I just stared at him with my mouth agape. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I-I think I need to go to the doctor." I stammered. His facial expressions went from happy to concerned.

"Why?" He asked.

"My heart is beating really fast and it won't slow down." I said quietly. The concerned expression now went to a smile. He let out a chuckle and shook his head.

"There's nothing wrong sweetheart." He said. "That's just what it feels like when you like someone."

"But I don't feel it all the time." I said.

"Do you you feel like that when your around me?" He asked and I nodded.

"But right now its like times ten." I stated. He smiled.

"That's because I'm on top of you." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Let me explain something. When you like someone and you get extremely close your heart feels like its going to explode." He said.

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