Chapter 23 - Stay

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After having a complete meltdown the other day you can say that I fell straight into depression. Its just like it was before. It feels lonely. I can't sleep or eat. I have no energy what so ever. I have missed two days of school. So I haven't came back from thanksgiving break at all. Jessica has brought my work to me but I am not letting her come in my room. I don't want to talk about anything that had happened at all.

Noah has tried calling me once but that was all. I ignored the phone call when he did call. Jessica and Everett, to my knowledge still don't know about what happened between Noah and I. Unless Jason has told them. But when Jessica brings me my work she doesn't mention it. Everett has called me a couple of times to make sure I'm okay. But that's it.

Do I miss Noah? Yes. Do I wish everything was back to normal? Absolutely. Do I wish I hadn't have gone to that party? Definitely. Do I want to be friends or even more than that with Noah again? I have no freaking clue.

Noah is the reason of my brothers death. Noah who has became one of my best friends, my crush, and someone I am possibly in love with. What would Ryan think? I mean, would he want to be friends or more than friends with the person who caused his death? I doubt it.

I honestly wish Noah never came in my life. It sounds mean and cruel but its true. He has made me feel good at times but it doesn't compare to him ruining my life. I don't want to see him or hear for him. I want him to leave me alone and forget about me. I want to forget about him.

I barried my head in my pillow and let a few tears slip from my eyes. It was one in the morning. I can't sleep at all. My thoughts keep me up at night. I wish I could sleep. I wish the pain would go away.

The past few days I have spent trying to think about the whole situation. I have no idea what to do. I'm so angry at Noah. Really angry. And if I ever saw him again it wouldn't turn out great. I would probably punch him. I'm so serious. I want punch him.

There was suddenly a light knock on my door. I picked my head up from my pillow and watched as my door slowly opened. It was Jason. He slowly walked in and me over to my bed. He sat down on my bed. I immediately cuddled close to him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

"When was the last time you slept?" He asked softly.

"I took a five minute nap yesterday." I told him. He nodded. "Why are you awake?"

"I couldn't sleep." He told me.

"Why not?" I asked quitely.

"My parents are coming back home next week. I have to go back home." He said. I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked. My voice cracked slightly.

"Please don't get upset Skylar." He said.

"You can't leave me Jason." I said as tears started falling from my eyes. He started wiping them away.

"I don't want to but I have to. My mom and dad want me home with them." He said. I shook my head.

"Fine. Just whatever." I cried as I got out of his grip and turned my back to him.

"Skylar. Please don't be upset." He said and tried to get me to face him. I didn't turn around to face him and kept my back to him.

"Just leave." I mumbled. I heard him sigh.

"Skylar don't try to push me away. I've been here for you the whole time I've been here. You knew I had to go home some time." He said.

"I don't want to be alone." I cried into my pillow. Jason wrapped his arms back around me.

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