Chapter 28 - Dinner Parents And Snow

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So tonight was the night of the dinner with my mom, dad, Noah, and I. I'm actually really nervous. I sat on the couch fiddling my fingers waiting for Noah to arrive. My mom was finishing up dinner and my dad was reading a book as he sat on the chair across from the couch. I wanted this to be over with. After school yesterday -- which was Friday -- was the last time I talked to Noah and he seemed fine when I brought up the dinner but I could tell he was nervous.

When I heard a knock at the door ten minutes later, I knew it was Noah. I looked up from my lap over to my dad. He got up and straightened out his shirt before nodding for me to answer the door. I got up and walked over to the door with my dad behind me. When I opened the door Noah was standing there with a bouquet of flowers and a nervous smile.

"Hi Skylar and Mr. Greene." Noah smiled. I heard my dad clear his throat. Noah had been around my dad before like for my birthday but they never really had a conversation or anything. Noah has been around my mom too. Like my birthday and that one night Noah spent the night a while back.

"Hello. C'mon in. I think Mrs. Greene has just finished dinner." My dad said. Noah nodded and walked in. I kept my head low as we walked into the kitchen. My mom smiled when she saw Noah. Luckily she sat down with me and we talked out everything that happened and she apologized for everything, especially the Ed Sheeran tickets thing. She felt really bad for doing and I forgave her. I'm still grounded for a month but, I'll live. Noah doesn't know about the tickets and my parents don't want me to tell him so maybe they can replace them before the concert.

"Hello Noah." My mother smiled. Noah smiled back and held out the flowers to her.

"Hi. Mrs. Greene, dinner smells nice." Noah said politely.

"Why thank you." My mom said happily and took the flowers. She filled a vase up with water then put it on the counter. "Well lets just hope it tastes as good as it smells." My mom laughed. Noah laughed too and we all sat down at the table. Noah and I were on one side of the table and my mom and dad were on the other side. We all began to pile food on our plates as my dad decided to start a conversation.

"So Noah, when you came to me asking for my permission to ask my daughter to be your girlfriend I didn't think we would end up having problems so quickly." My dad began. I choked on the sweet tea that I was currently drinking and looked at Noah.

"Y-you asked permission to ask me out?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Of course. I wanted to be a gentlemen." He smiled. Oh. Okay then.

"I just want to know Noah, are we going to have anymore problems?" My dad asked. Noah shook his head.

"No sir. I made a mistake and I promise nothing else will happen." Noah said. My dad nodded. Then everything became a very uncomfortable silence. I didn't like it. I picked at my food, not feeling very hungry. My dad casually ate and my mom looked like she wanted to say something but was having a debate with herself weather to say anything or not. I flinched slightly when I felt something on my thigh. I looked down seeing it was Noah's hand. He obviously put it there as a comforting manner. He kept eating like he wasn't going anything. I relaxed at his touch and ate just a little of my food.

"Look Noah, we know about you being in the other car." My mom suddenly blurted out. Both Noah and I tensed up at her comment. My dad coughed uncomfortably. "After we realized it was you and your brother involved we weren't up for the idea of you two together but we did some thinking and we agreed its okay."

Noah's hand tightened on my thigh. I wasn't sure if it was a reflex or he was trying to tell me something. I put my hand on top of his and his grip loosened.

"What about this weather, huh? Its been pretty chilly. We did have a hot summer so that means we are going to have a cold winter. It just now December and its freezing. Christmas is coming up. We get to see the whole family. I bet that would be nice. Food would be very nice too. I really miss grandma's fried chicken. Its really good but sometimes I feel bad because its an animal and animals have never done nothing to me so there's no reason for it to die. I tried becoming a vegetarian one time but I just love chicken so much that I can't not have chicken." I rambled all in one breath. My parents looked at me like I was crazy and Noah looked at me with a small smile. No one replied to my rambling they just ignored it and it because awkward silence. I sighed and sunk down in my chair.

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