Chapter 25 - Jail Sells Bra's Kisses and DTR

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Never in my life would I ever think I would be in a jail sell beside Noah Miller. I'm terrified for my life right now because this huge guy who looks like a serial killer is looking at me like I'm something to eat. My grip on Noah's hand probably is hurting him but I really don't care. The police officer yelled at us when Noah was holding me close to him so holding hands was all I had.

"Noah I'm scared." I whispered to him.

"Its okay Skylar. I'm getting us out of this mess." He said. I nodded. Noah said that we weren't supposed to get into trouble. He said that a guy from the football team named Hunter let Noah use the ice skating rink. Hunter's dad owns the ice rink.Noah and Hunters dad worked out a deal that if Noah helped out with fixing somethings around the ice rink for free then Noah could use the ice rink for one night. Apparently Hunter's dad forgot that tonight was the night Noah was going to use the ice skating rink and didn't turn off the silent alarms so that's why the police officers showed up and arrested us for trespassing.

To be honest Noah looks really mad. His jaw is clenched and his eyebrows were narrowed. I've never seen Noah look this mad before. Except that time in detention. But he looks even more angrier than then. Someone cleared their throat making me look towards the jail sell doors seeing a police officer holding the doors open looking at Both and I. Noah got up and pulled me into his side as he led me out the sell. We walked towards the front desk and I saw a guy who I thought looked familiar and an older guy beside him. It must be Hunter and his dad.

"Noah I am so sorry for the misunderstanding." Hunter's dad said. Noah's grip tightened on my waist.

"Its fine." Noah said through clenched teeth.

"Is this your special girl?" He asked pointing at me.

"Yes. This is Skylar. Skylar this is Mr. White and Hunter." Noah said. Even though his voice softened a little I could still sense his anger.

"Nice to meet you. I'm sorry about all this happening." Mr. White said.

"Nice to meet you too." I said quietly.

"Noah you never said she was hot." Hunter said. Mr. White hit Hunter in the back of the head and Noah's grip tightened on me even more. It hurt to be honest, his grip.

"Well I have to get her home. I'll talk to you later." Noah said and without waiting for a reply Noah led me out the police station out to our car. Wait how did the car get here?

"Noah how did our car get here?" I asked.

"Hunter brought it." He mumbled angrily and got on the car. I bit my lip and got into the car also. As Noah started the car he back out the parking spot and sped off.

"Noah are you okay?" I asked quietly. His grip was so tight on the steering wheel that his knuckles had turned white. He was going over the speed limit. To be honest I was scared. I've never seen Noah this mad. And I don't even know why he was mad. "N-Noah are you okay?" I repeated.

"I'm fine Skylar." He said but his teeth were clenched.

"Noah you're kinda scaring me." I said even more quietly. He looked over at me and then back at the road. He slowed down the car. He stopped holding the steering wheel so tight and he unclenched his teeth. "What's wrong Noah?" I asked. He sighed and ran his fingers threw his hair.

"I had this perfect night planned out. After skating I had a picnic set up for us in the park and everything. But now its all ruined because of the stupid cops." He explained.

"Noah this night was perfect. We can still go eat at the park to make it more perfect." I smiled at him.

"Skylar its near midnight and the park is closed. I don't think you want to end back up at the police station again." He said. I looked down at my hand feeling stupid.

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