Chapter 29 - Can You Put Ice On It?

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"Skylar calm down. Relax its going to be okay." My mom said as I sobbed into a pillow.

"I-I wanna see him! Please!" I cried.

"Honey we can't go out. The roads are iced." My mom said. I shook my head no.

"I need to see him. Let me talk to him! Please!" I cried. My mom put her hand on my back. "Give me my phone! Please give me my phone!" I cried.

My mom got up from the couch. I sat there clutching my pillow to my chest and sobbed. My mom came back moments later with my phone. With my shakey hands I dialed Noah's number. I know he's in the hospital and probably won't answer but I just want to call him. My heart suddenly skips a beat when I hear Noah's voice.

"Hey sweetheart. Did you get your phone back?" He asked.

"Noah?!? Are you okay?!" I sobbed.

"Woah. What's going on? I'm perfectly fine. Why are you crying?" He asked.

"'re not in the hospital?" I asked. My crying calmed down a little.

"No. I'm playing with Katie in the snow. Why would I be in the hospital?" He asked.

"Someone just called and said you got in a wreak." I said.

"No. I wasn't. Who called you?" He asked.

"I'm about to find out. I'll call you back." I said and hung up. My parents looked at me confused but I ignored them and grabbed the house phone. I went on the caller ID and called the number that just told me Noah got into a wreak. I waited impatiently for an answer. Soon someone answered.

"Hello?" They said. It was a familiar voice but I couldn't place it.

"Who's this?" I asked.

"Who is this? You called me." They said. I heard voices and laughs in the background. I think I was on speaker phone.

"Its Skylar." I said. Someone busted out laughing and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Listen Skylar that call was a prank call." They laughed.

"Why would you do that?! That's so mean!" I yelled.

"Like I said before, No one likes you and we would rather have Ryan here than you." They said then hung up the phone. That's when it hit me. Stacy Johnson. I threw the phone down with anger.

"What is it?" My mom asked.

"It was a prank!" I yelled then stormed into my room slamming the door. I grabbed my cellphone and called Noah. He answered right away.

"What's going on Sky?" He asked.

"Stacy Johnson pranked called me saying you were in a car accident!" I yelled.

"What?" He asked. "Why the hell would she do something like that?"

"Because Noah! Like she said, No one likes me and everyone would rather have Ryan here than me!" I explained.

"She's such a bitch!" Noah snapped. I flinched slightly at his language. "Don't worry Skylar I'm going fix this real quick!"

"Noah don't do anything stupid, please." I said. But it was to late. He hung up. I sighed and barried my head in my pillow. Why did Stacy do that? I have sat here at times and thought and worried about her being pregnant and all and all she does is hate me. Why do I have to be such a nice person sometimes? Do you know how hard it is being the nice person? It gets hard. The times I'm mad I can't be because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Right now I'm mad. Really mad. But its hard to get these feelings out. I scream into my pillow trying to get my frustrations out. My phone started ringing. I lifted my head from my pillow and grabbed my phone seeing it was Noah. I pressed the accept buttonand answered it.

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