You make me so mad.
You make me so angry.
You change your mind at the flip of a switch.
You think your the most important bitch.
You're racist.
You're a sexist.
You are the pure definition of evil.
But I can't leave.
Where can i go.
I have no where to run.
But back to you.
You've hurt me.
You have hurt me.
But you refuse to believe that.
I hate that I will always care about you.
And in your words.
You have to trust someone to love them.
I don't trust you.
Not since that night.
When you hurt me.
Midnight Thoughts
Poetry-I hate how I'm still here- -staring at the stars littering the sky- -watch how differently they treat us- -love is possible but it's so hard to find- -don't trust the voice in your head- "these are my midnight thoughts, I write them down and re...