Chapter Seven

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Daryl's P.O.V..

"What are you doing on my land!" A guy with perfect white hair yelled from the front of his porch.

"Please we need help, My friend she's injured bad."

"What's wrong with her?" He said cautiously stepping towards us.

"Take a look for ya self." I said slowly walking around to the passenger side of the truck and opening the door. This man looked well dresses and he seemed to be living on untouched land which is just what we needed right now. I managed to shake off my thoughts when I heard the man gasp at my side.

"Patricia! Patricia, get my medical supplies ready now." He yelled to someone in the rather large white farm house.

"Can you bring her inside please?" Without hesitation I placed my arms under Sam's stomach and lifted her gently in to my arms. I followed the guy in to his house giving the signal for Harry to follow behind me closely.

"Just lay her down there and you may leave." The woman said whilst patting her hand on the metal table.

"I'm not leaving her. We don't you people. What the Hell?" I quickly answered back.

"Sir, that boy does not need to see this kind of procedure, now if you wouldn't mind. I promise she will be fine."

I left the room slowly knowing that this could be a long wait, I had to leave I couldn't let him watch while they tried to sort Sam out. I led Harry back to the truck and I sat him up on the open back of it before dropping down by the side of him, I looked over behind the woods and I could see the sun beginning to set in the distance.

Both Harry and I had been sitting in the back of my truck for hours now. I couldn't be sure how long but it was enough time for it to get completely dark outside. I began to set Harry down for the night, he had a long day it was about time he went to sleep. The door of the house quickly swung open and a very young girl appeared with another young woman.

"I'm Beth and this here is Maggie. Our dad would like you both to come inside for a moment." The timid young girl who was about sixteen whispered. I jumped down from the truck grabbing Harry in my arms, I didn't even look at the girls infront of me I just wanted to see Sam. I reached for the door handle and braced myself before rushing in and stopping outside the room we had left Sam in just hours ago.

Harry reached down and turned the shiny handle and slowly pushed the door open. We stepped inside to met by the white haired old man and the oldish woman Patricia.

"How is she?" I questioned while placing Harry down on the floor.

"Better. We need to keep an eye on her until she wakes up atleast. The removal of the pieces went as well as could be expected with the limited equiptment I had but I don't want you to get your hopes up just yet. She isn't in the clear just yet."

I let the guys words sink in before giving him a slight nod as a sort of thank you in return to what he had done. He was about to leave when Harry run straight up to him and wrapped his arms around his legs.

"Thank you Mr. Thank you for helping Samii."

"It's my pleasure young man and please call me Hershel." With that he and Patricia left the room in a hurry leaving me and Harry to be alone with Sam. I glanced over to the bed where Sam was now laying and I noticed her back facing towards me.

I walked over to the bed and pulled the blanket back and slowly and carefully tucking her in properly. I slowly sat down beside the bed on the floor as I placed Harry on the chair so he could finally get some rest. I slowly let my mind drift back off to the night at the CDC.


"Thank you Daryl."
I let Sam keep her hand on my chest even though I didn't know how to react to this kind of physical contact, especially with such a beautiful girl. I watched her closely as she began to slowly drift off in to a deep sleep and all I could do was stare at her. I noticed so many things about her that night and it was just perfect to see her without anger or agression towards me.

I watched her for a while but I started to get tired my self so I decided to try and get some sleep myself.

I woke up rather early that morning due to someone coming in to our room and start talking to Sam. I didn't want to show Sam that I was awake so I quickly closed my eyes agaim pretending to still be asleep. I opened my eyes slowly when the room went really quiet, I looked around the room and I could see Sam standing infront of the mirror in just her underwear. It wasn't her being just in her underwear that caught my attention it was the scars that filled her body. Her arms, wrists and thighs were covered in what looked like self inflicted scars but the scars on her back ther were different. They were almost identical to mine, I quickly closed my eyes again when Harry began to stir and Sam quickly started to dress ready for the day.

*End of Flashback*

I looked up and out of the small window in the corner of the room and noticed all the stars that were covering the blackened sky. I slowly climbed to my feet and walked over to the window and began to stare out in to the darkness. I can't believe how lucky we were to find this place. It was untouched and didn't show any sign of being harmed soon which was a bonus. Maybe we could bring the group back here. I didn't know where the group were at the moment but I hope they were safe, I didn't like to admit it but being in a group did help with certain tasks.

All I knew was that for now we had a good thing going and I didn't think it would end badly like the CDC for a long while.


Sorry it isn't a really long chapter! I wanted to update another chapter to thank you all for reading my book.

This is my first ever Fan Fiction so I hope you guys like it.

Please comment to tell me your feedback, I am really excited to know what people think.

So guys do you think things will work out for Daryl and Sam?

Now that we have seen a soft side to Daryl I think it is about time to unleash the sarcastic and agressive Daryl that we all adore!

Please can you,

and Follow

Thank you again guys! This means alot to me

Keep it real fellow Normanites!!<3

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