Chapter Twenty Four

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Sam's P.O.V

It felt like I had slept for just minutes when I fluttered my eyes open and looked around the room. I stretched my arms above my head and let out a short yawn before turning over and feeling the emptiness of the bed beside me. I shook my head and the events of yesterday came flooding back to me, I knew we wouldn't last too long without having an argument.

I quickly got rid of them thoughts, I had more things to worry about that a stupid argument. I pushed my body up and pulled on my old and battered converse before checking Harry was still asleep and heading towards the door.

"Where.. are.. you going?" Harry asked between yawns.

"Just downstairs, Do you want some breakfast?" I asked quietly.

"Uhh.. Yes please." He replied and nodded his head.

I slipped through the small opening of the door and quietly stepped down the stairs. I looked about and I could see Daryl still asleep on the couch so I crept by him and opened the door to go outside, I quietly closed the door and noticed Carol sitting around a small fire outside.

"Morning." I called making my way down the porch steps.

"Good Morning Sam." Carol replied giving me a small smile.

"Something smells delicious." I said with my mouth watering.

I sat down on a log next to her and watched whatever she was cooking in the pan.

"It's squirrel and beans. Not alot though, we're running low on supplies." She stated as she plated up the food. "Three Plates?" She sort of questioned looking directly in to my eyes.

"Just the two." I replied quietly.

"Oh." She said simply as she handed me two plates. I gladly took them giving her a small smile before leaving the log and heading back to the house.

I slowly pushed the door open and glanced quickly around the room before entering. Everyone was slowly shuffling through the house and I noticed Daryl sitting up on the couch staring up straight at the wall. I shook my head, I wasn't going to be the one to sort this mess out, not this time I thought to myself as I walked straight past him and up the stairs to eat Breakfast.

I creeked the door open and helped Harry sit up slightly by supporting him with more pillows behind his back.

"Here you go." I said smiling as I put the plate down on his lap.

"Thank You." He whispered as he started slowly eating.

I nodded and walked over to my bed,sat down with my back against the headboard and sighed before beginning to eat the contents of my plate.

There was a silence that filled the air as I took my last mouthful of squirrel and I set my plate down on the floor.

"What's wrong mom?" Harry asked looking over from his bed.

"Nothing little man. I'm just fine." I answered hoping he would leave it there.

"I'm not a little kid anymore, I want to help you." He said refusing to drop his gaze from my eyes.

I shifted slightly and swung my legs up on to the bed and placed my head gently back against the board.

"Harry, It's nothing for you to worry about." I said as I closed my eyes. I knew he was growing up quickly but I didn't want him to grow up this quick.

"It's Daryl isn't it mom. You two had an argument again." He stated simply finishing up his breakfast.

Honestly I didn't know how he managed to get to these correct conclusions all the time but I certainly couldn't lie to him about anything like this.

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