Chapter Nine

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Sam's P.O.V

Complete darkness was all that I could see, I tried to open my eyes but my eyelids were hanging heavy over my eyes.

"Come on Sam, wake up. We have a place to stay, we have food, water and a nice place to stay. I've lost every person that I've cared about Sam, I can't lose you too. Harry needs you, Damn I need you Sam. Come on Sam please wake up." A deep souther accent hispered against my ear. I felt my hand being held and gently moved from my side, I felt pain shoot down my back but I had to fight it, I thought I would nevrr hear Mr. Daryl Dixon being that sweet.

"Daryl." I smiled at the words he had just said and began to lightly squeeze his hand in mine.

"Yeah I'm here Darlin'. Everything is gonna be fine, I'm here." He spoke softly as he kissed my hand, I began to fight my heavy eye lids and pushed my eyes open to be greeted by a smiling Daryl.

"Harry? Where is Harry?" I croaked out whilst trying to push myself up on my elbows. I hissed in pain and fell straight back down on to my back, I tried again but the same happened again and then the memories of the CDC came flooding back. I remember the burning pain and hitting the floor but the rest was just a blur. I was brought back to reality when Daryl placed his hand on my right wrist.

"Harry is fine Sam, he is sleeping over there on the chair." Daryl moved out of the way slightly so I could see Harry sleeping soundly on a chair opposite my bed. Bed? Where were we?

"Daryl? Where are we?" I whispered, my throat was dry making it hard for me to speak. Daryl handed me a glass of water before starting to explain to me.

"We're at a farm, not too far from the highway. I brought you here, when you.. uh were.. y'know injured." Daryl stuttered.

"Where are the rest of the group?" I asked.

"Most of them still on the highway, except for Rick, Carl and Shane..." He responded but I could tell he wasn't telling me something. I looked at him giving him a signal to carry on with the story.

"Well Carl, well..he was..uh.. shot." He blurted out in a stutter, I felt my eyes widening and I had tears on the verge of slipping down my face.

I wasn't that close to anyone withing the group other than Daryl but Carl was just a kid and a tough kid at that. I looked down and let some tears fall.

"Carl.. Is he.. dead?" I asked my voice barely a whisper.

"No, he isn't in a good way though. Shane and some guy are heading out to get medical equiptment for the operation." He said whilst placing his finger under my chin and lifting my head slowly.

"The main thing though Sam, is that you are okay. Sam, I think I'm in L..."

"SAMII!!!" Harry yelled completely cutting off what Daryl was about to say.

He quickly scrambled over to my bed and carefully climbed on, I lifted my hand and smoothed the top of his head.

"How yah doing kid?" I smiled as he took my hand in his.

"Samii, I've missed you! Daryl's been taking care of me Samii. We missed you." He said without taking a breath. I watched as Daryl left the room, he didn't say one word about what he was going to say to me before Harry interupted. Oh well.

"Samii, when can we spend time together? This place is awesome!" Harry exclaimed excitidly.

"Sam will not be up and about for a couple of days young man." An old man with white hair called from the door. I looked at him confused by who he was.

"Okay Hershel." Harry whispered whilst quickly walking out of the room.

"I just came to check on you, Daryl told me you were awake. How are you feeling?" He said whilst walking cautiously in to the room.

"I'm.. I'm just fine thank you, A little sore but nothing I can't handle." I said my confidence growing with each word.

"Okay then Sam, you try and get some rest now." Hershel spoke whilst exiting the room and closing the door behind him.

I lay my head back on the pillow trying not to move too much. The pain in my back and legs was unbelievable but I couldn't tell anyone else that so, I pulled the blankets up to cover my body and quickly fell in to a deep and silent sleep.

Harry's P.O.V..

Hershel told me that Samii wouldn't be able to get out of a bed for a few days and I couldn't hold back the tears. Samii was in pain I knew that but it wasn't the same without her. I walked out of the house and rushed down the steps towards Daryl's truck, He had to be in there because he wasn't in the house.

"Daryl, Daryl are you there." I said whilst knocking on the truck door, I kept knocking for a while but he didn't seem to be in there. I was too small to look in the window so I just left the truck and snuck back in to the house. I run straight in to the room where Samii was but she was sleeping again, I climbed up to the bottom of the bed and curled up im a ball quickly falling asleep!


So guys nearly at 300 reads! I am so thankful that you guys have stuck with the story this far, even though I haven't been writing it for long I just love it!

A bit of Sam and Daryl action there.. I know it is rather short but I have been snowed under with the work load I have from college and it almost impossible to find time to write some more of the story.

What was Daryl about to tell Sam?
Where has Daryl gone now?

There are so many twists and turns to come I just can't wait to get stuck in!

Please can you share the story! Would be much Appreciated! Thank You!

As always..

Follow please..

Thank You Normanites! Keep it real!

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