Home time at last, mum went straight to work after she dropped me off, Louis said he'd be round any minute, that gives me a little time to freshen up and change, I put on a lilac shirt and black skinny's, hoping it'll be good enough for him. *door bell rings* That's Louis. I ran down the stairs and let him in, gave him a hug, and guided him into the living area.
He looks so cute, wearing his slightly skinny jeans and tight tee shirt, irresistible.
"Would you like a drink Lou?" I ask politely. "No thanks Mel" he replied and smiled weakly. I could see he was in pain. He had a black eye that I completely didn't notice before. "Omg Lou your eye, what happened?" I said as I sat down next to him. "Nothing, it was just James and the rest of his 'crew', don't worry about me" he replied. "I do worry Louis, a lot, because... because I like you, really like you, I always have ever since we became friends, but I've just been afraid to tell you" I blurted out, I don't even know where that came from.
He stared at me, his eyes digging into mine, "I like you too" was the only thing he said. "You do?" I asked, not convinced, "Yeah, a lot, you're the only one that's been there for me when nobody else has".
I still wasn't convinced, but I was happy with the way things were going. "Louis how long have you felt like this? Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I said bluntly, "A while, Mel, a very long while, and I didn't say anything because I was scared of rejection, I've been rejected before and it hurt".
At this point I felt a tear run down my face, I turned away so Louis didn't see, but he lightly grabbed my chin and made me look at him. I didn't know what to expect, at this point we were face to face, his lips nearly touching mine, I've known Louis for 10 years and didn't expect this, he leant in and his lips touched mine, they melted together and it felt perfect. It felt so right, but I pulled away, unsure, "What's up? Is it something I did?" he asked looking upset, "No, no it's not you, I was just...are you sure this is what you want?"
He got hold of my neck and pulled me back to his lips, slowly kissing me. After a few seconds he pulled back and spoke "Does that tell you?"
*The next day*
Yesterday was perfect, I love Melissa. I always have, the way her long blonde hair bounces when she walks, her eyes sparkling with the sun, she's amazing. She's been there for me since we met, a few years before my parents died. When we kissed it felt right, it was meant to happen, but I'm not getting my hopes up. "Hey Lou" Mel said as she walked up to me, "Hey" I replied, "What you doing tonight?" I asked hoping she was free. "Nothing, I'm home alone, all might until 11, do you want to come round?" she asked with a grin on her face. "I'd love to" I answered, and smiled back.
That moment didn't last long, James was walking towards me, great. "Hey lover boy, who's this bitch?" he said while staring at Mel. "Leave her alone James" I said starting to get angry. "What you gonna do?" he said trying to antagonize me, "This" and I punched him in the face, he fell on the floor, blood pouring from his nose.I knew I was strong, I go to the gym in my spare time, but I didn't think I could do this. "Ouch!!" he screamed, "Youre gonna pay for that you bastard!" and he ran off. "Mel are you okay?" I asked her worried, "Never mind me, are you okay? Your hand is bleeding, come on" and she dragged me into the disabled toilet. "Let's get you cleaned up" Mel spoke, not acknowledging the fact that I just knocked out James. "How'd it feel Lou?" she asked smiling?, "How'd what feel?" I reply confused. "Winning" she giggled softly. "It felt great, not as great as...kissing you" I took this as an opportunity to kiss her, this kiss was almost as perfect as the last, it was cute and romantic, her lips tasted of strawberry. "I really like you Mel" I said, "I really like you too Lou" she smiled.
*I'm not sure about this part, is it okay? vote please and comment opinions*

Perfect Living (Louis Tomlinson Fanfic)
FanficMelissa, a quiet school girl, has feelings for Louis Tomlinson, the lonliest boy in school. What will happen when they both eventually get married? Will they live a happy life or will it all come crashing down on them?